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我们还有一个大规模的重造热带雨林计划。We need a massive reforestation programme.

通过植树造林和避免乱砍滥伐减少碳排放。Carbon reduction through reforestation and avoided deforestation.

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该地用中国大陆的杉木以更新森林。China fir from mainland China are used here in reforestation work.

一个创新再造林项目将身为记者的我吸引到这里。What brought me there, as a journalist, was an innovative reforestation project.

在疏林地和宜林荒山荒地开展人工造林,扩大森林面积。Open forest land, arable hills and wasteland are primary reforestation objectives.

本文对播种造林和植苗造林进行了分析和研究。In this paper, sowing afforestation and reforestation were analyzed and researched.

各类纪念林、城市绿化和部门绿化等。Supporting various memorial forests, municipal and sectional reforestation projects etc.

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建排水系统和发育植被可以最终控制坡面泥石流。The slope debris flows may be controlled by construction of drainage systems and reforestation.

与其它类型的碳补偿项目相比,造林项目要跨越的障碍更大。But reforestation projects have higher hurdles to cross than other types of carbon-offset projects.

南亚国家需要因为造林、重新造林和碳储存增长而得到回报。Countries in South Asia need to be rewarded for afforestation, reforestation and carbon stock growth.

有个“退耕还林”的国家政策,许诺只要农民退还土地造林,就能每年给以补助。One national program called for farmers to hand over land for reforestation in exchange for annual payments.

其他减排措施-比如森林再造-可以创造就业以及其他的社会效益。Other measures to reduce emissions – such as reforestation – generate jobs, along with other social benefits.

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通过植树造林或者再造林等政策减少碳排放量。Strategies to reduce carbon emissions through community afforestation and reforestation projects are required.

印尼亚齐省长提出一项七百五十万重新造林的计划。此计划将由碳信用额度系统所赞助。Governor of Aceh proposes a 7.5 million-acre reforestation project in Indonesia, to be funded by a carbon credit system.

右图中,人们拿着工具、水和树苗回来重新植树造林。In the right hand picture, the people have returned carrying tools, water and samplings for the reforestation of the land.

讨论了非定常森林发展系统中的更新成林率的辩识问题。In this paper, we discuss the identification of the reforestation percentage for the nonstationary forest evolution systems.

滇南红厚壳是云南新发掘出来的一种优质造林树种,其树干通直圆满,材质优良,是制作刨切单板的优质材料。Calophyllum polyanthum is a reforestation species of Yunnan province with the quality of straight stem and good wood quality.

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经过一系列的森林再造,减少了从沙漠吹过来的沙尘暴之后,这类颗粒物浓度已经有所减少。The number of those particles has dropped as a result of reforestation programs that lessen the dust storms that blew in from deserts.

调查将显著改善有关土地利用变化,包括森林砍伐、重新造林和森林自然扩展等方面的知识。The survey will substantially improve knowledge on land use change including deforestation, reforestation and natural expansion of forests.

造林方法是指造林的具体方法。包括播种造林、植苗造林和分殖造林三种。Planting method is a specific method of afforestation including seeding afforestation, reforestation and sub-yield afforestation of planting.