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家庭生活也会有充满矛盾和苦楚的时候。Family life is filled with ambivalence and bittersweet moments.

这种双重性认识是对逻各斯中心主义的颠覆和解构。This ambivalence subverts and deconstructs logos centre doctrine.

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亲近关系中会出现正反感情并存或不同意见。Ambivalence or disagreeableness in a close relationship arises now.

但众口一词与莫衷一是就存在于排他与妥协之间。But between exclusivity and compromise lie consensus and ambivalence.

尽管对国足爱恨交加,但在与巴西队的比赛中,中国球迷对这种情绪置之不理,一心想为国家队加油。Against Brazil, Chinese fans tried to leave their ambivalence at home.

克拉加特是邪恶的,不过他对于毕利的憎恨,是一种用细微的笔触处理的感情冲突。Claggart is evil, but his hatred for billy is a subtly stated ambivalence.

这种冲突反映在他选择专长时的正反感情并存上。That conflict was reflected in his ambivalence about a choiceof specialty.

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到目前为止,主权财富基金令被投资国既喜又忧。So far, investments by SWFs have produced ambivalence in recipient nations.

但调查显示人们对奥巴马挽救经济的行动爱恨交织。But the poll shows some ambivalence about Mr. Obama's economic prescriptions.

这种自相矛盾的情感在文学研究中被称为双重情感。Such self-contradictory feelings are seen as ambivalence in literary studies.

即彼得大帝的一言一行,很不符合沙皇的身份Peter the Great had an enormous ambivalence about his role and his image as a czar.

我所叙述的这种矛盾,是始终存在于现代文学的中心思想中的。This ambivalence that I'm describing is at the center of modern literature generally.

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我会在书中指出市场中人们的这种矛盾心态。Throughout this book I point to the continued ambivalence of people to market forces.

在印度核政策的形成过程中,这种矛盾情绪始终是它的核心特征。Such ambivalence remained a central feature of India's nuclear policy as it developed.

如果拉登真的快玩完了,毫无疑问一些矛盾心理将在舆论中产生。If bin Laden really is dying, the news would doubtless be greeted with some ambivalence.

一方面这个寓言表现了巴尔·谢姆·托夫对去巴勒斯坦的矛盾心理。On one level this parable shows the Baal Shem Tov's ambivalence about going to Palestine.

他们的心理矛盾和漠然视之交织在一起——总把这种做法叫做“内部”决定。With a mix of ambivalence and apathy -- always citing the move as an "internal" decision.

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而这种矛盾思想在十来岁年龄段尤为明显,15岁左右的少年很易形成地下情。This ambivalence is more obvious in the early teens, and goes under ground around 15 or so.

范德维奇从来都没有想执教球队,他的矛盾心态是很明显的。The professorial Vandeweghe never wanted to coach the team, and his ambivalence is palpable.

双重性在巴赫金狂欢诗学中具有哲学方法论的意义。Ambivalence in Bakhtin's carnival poetics is of the importance of the philosophical methodology.