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我的独角马和我成为朋友。My unicorn and I became friends.

坐驹骑着墨麒麟。As one sits astride a black unicorn.

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独角兽和飞马令人生畏的混血。Formidable hybrid of unicorn and Pegasus.

狮子把独角兽打得落花流水。The Lion beat the Unicorn all around the town.

感觉就像是骑着独角兽,被困在一个用镜子做成的盒子里。That's like getting stuck in a box of mirrors. With a unicorn.

野牛怎肯作你的仆人,或在你的槽旁过夜呢?Will the unicorn be willing to serve thee, or abide by thy crib?

非洲要是换上中国人去治理,绝对会是另一番景象!You are right, China have just unicorn andrainbow wishes for everyone.

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你可以很容易地买一个独角价格远远低于20,001金。You can easily buy a unicorn horn for a price a lot lower than 20,001 gold.

我们使用独角兽毛,凤凰尾羽毛,和龙的心弦。We use unicorn hairs, phoenix tail feathers, and the heartstrings of dragons.

其中,最著名的当数于1495-1505年间编织的“独角兽挂毯”。Best known of these are the magnificent "Unicorn Tapestries " woven circa 1495–1505.

雕的人物,也无非是麒麟送子、状元及第等一类东西。The carved figures, is no more than unicorn appearance, and as a champion of things.

我听说独角兽是世界最性感男人暨新任伟大领袖的坐骑。I heard the unicorn was being ridden by the world's sexiest man, the new great leader.

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独角兽尾随着他们,她小心翼翼地跟着,甚至连马儿们都没发现她在近旁。The unicorn followed them, moving so warily that not even the horses knew she was near.

独角鲸的长牙曾经一度被当成独角兽的角来贩售,价格十分昂贵。Tusks of the narwhal whale were once sold as unicorn horns, and were immensely valuable.

在大约4700年前,也就是公元前2697年,另一只独角兽出现在黄帝的花园。In about 4700, that is, before 2500 in 2697 and another in the Yellow Emperor's Garden Unicorn.

当这只独角兽看见贴在我侧面的数字时,它开始兴奋地跳上跳下。When the unicorn saw the number stuck to my side, it started bouncing up and down in excitement.

该寺庙是东明王的休闲宫殿,东明王的独角兽的巢穴就在这个寺庙中。The temple served as a relief palace for King Tongmyong, in which there is the lair of his unicorn.

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法官形象设计为一对可爱的男女娃娃,而法院形象则是卡通独角兽。The judges are depicted as a lovely boy and a cute girl, and the court's image is a cartoon unicorn.

Uber?这样的互联网独角兽与万豪进行对话也是推出TestBed?的原因之一。Uber? such an Internet unicorn and Marriott dialogue is also introduced TestBed? one of the reasons.

独角兽毛可以产生它一贯的魔力,并且很难屈从于黑魔法。Unicorn hairs produced the most consistent magic, and were most difficult to yield to the Dark Arts.