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喧闹声与谈话声平息下来。The bustle and the talking quenched.

架仍旧还有那根支撑条吗?Still got that Derringer in your bustle?

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我讨厌这城市的喧嚣熙攘。I hate the hustle and bustle of the city.

市民匆匆忙忙走在开罗的老城区。Residents bustle through Cairo's Old City.

所有这些噪杂喧闹快把我逼疯了。All this noise and bustle will drive me mad.

整个庆祝活动充满了热闹与兴奋。The celebration is all bustle and excitement.

她肯定关于她的风言风语会减少的。She was sure the bustle about her would be less.

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在这里,莱麦丹的热闹景象是特有的。The hustle and bustle of Ramadan here is unique.

天各一方的奔忙总是漫长。Always hustle and bustle in every corner of the earth.

我讨厌星期六买东西那么挤来挤去的。I hate all the hustle and bustle of Saturday shopping.

一位女士圣诞节大购物,在匆忙中丢失了钱包。A lady lost her handbag in the bustle of Christmas shopping.

如果你的心头一阵忙乱,现在不要惊慌。If there's a bustle in your hedgerow , don't be alarmed now.

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在战前的那些日子里,生活似乎就是一大堆繁忙的社交活动。In those pre-war days life seemed a bustle of social activity.

与上面提到的“散步”类似,但是少了几分活动的奔忙。Similar to “take a walk” above, but without the bustle of activity.

我们简直无法忍受都市的拥挤和扰攘。We simply cannot stand the urban crowdedness and hustle and bustle.

而对于其他人来说,浸渍于城市生活的喧嚣或许正好合适。For others, immersion into the bustle of city life is just the ticket.

实际上,开放性看起来已成为这次革新运动的口号。In fact, openness appears to be the watchword for this renewed bustle.

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驿车离开的时候闹哄哄地忙乱了一阵,过后就又鸦雀无声了。The perfect silence ensued upon the bustle and departure of the coach.

哈普,我看在那里就没你长大的地方那么喧嚣和骚乱。I don't see the hustle and bustle like where you were brought up, Harp.

尽管这里的生活忙碌喧嚣。despite the rush and the hustle and bustle of city life that you do get.