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但他没有不情愿去。But he did not go unwillingly.

她极不情愿地转过身来面向我。She turned unwillingly toward me.

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过了一会儿,大白龟才依依不舍地往河里爬去。After a while, it crawled unwillingly back into the river.

我不情愿地跟着,试图理清乱如麻的思路。I followed unwillingly , trying to think through the panic.

计然勉强笑,“没事。”她即。Account however unwillingly smile, "Be free. "She is namely.

他向贝卢斯科尼道歉,称无意中伤害了他。He apologized to Berlusconi for having "unwillingly hurt him".

兆荣回家看见至孝在做甜品,斥他不争气。Trillion home see to filial piety do dessert, denounced him unwillingly.

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诺拉勉强答应她哥哥对他们父母隐瞒事实。Nora unwillingly agreed with her brother to hide the truth from their parents.

顿感自己的脚步是一步步在向死亡逼近。It suddenly occurred to me that I was unwillingly approaching death step by step.

我常需强忍著呕吐的欲想,才有办法在岗位上轻轻地瞟看他们一眼。As I looked on unwillingly from my post, I used to find myself holding back the urge to vomit.

暗夜骑士的气血顿时空了,不甘的倒落了下去。The dark night knight's spirit blood immediately got empty and unwillingly poured to keep on falling.

突然,我的鼻子一酸,眼泪不争气地往下掉,几粒粒“金豆豆”从眼眶中溜了出来。Suddenly, my nose a acid, tears unwillingly to fall off, and a few "king do do" out of the socket ZhongLiu.

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结果一阵反胃,空腹还没吃早餐的胃,就不争气的呕吐了一些胃酸出来。Before I could shower, I had a stomach upset and without breakfast it unwillingly threw up some stomach fluid.

我左看右看,明确了自己的地理位置,极不情愿地站了起来。I looked to the left then looked to the right, certain of my own geographic location and stood up unwillingly.

暖风一夜之间吹肥了水草,牛羊四下环顾,依依不舍地离开。It seems the warm winds blow the grass taller overnight, cattles and sheep look around, then part unwillingly.

友慧与友志吵架,月霞见只有庆祥可以安抚友慧,所以答应让他住一晚。Yuexia unwillingly agrees as Qingxiang is the only person who can calm Youhui down after a quarrel with Youzhi.

非意愿妊娠与人流是影响青少年性生殖健康的最重要因素。The unwillingly pregnancy and induced abortion were most harmful to the teenagers' sexual and reproductive health.

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四大金刚受伤虽然重,可他们功力深厚,现在勉强能站起来了。The four greatest golds fair got hurt although is heavy, can their capability is unwillingly deep, can stand up now.

然后是发着牢骚,背着书包,脸上充满阳光上学的学生。像蛇一样慢慢地爬行,极不情愿地上学去。And then the whining school-boy, with his satchel And shining morning face, creeping like snail Unwillingly to school.

接着又有一天我们被迫又回到约会阶段的时候我们却发现我们的表现就像12岁的小孩子。Then one day we are unwillingly thrust back onto the dating scene only to find that we start behaving like 12 year olds.