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这就是哈萨克族的鹰猎。This is a Kazak falcon.

哈萨克族婚礼简直就是一场歌会。Kazak weddings are like a concert.

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你看到了吗那边有哈萨克牧民?Do you see the Kazak herdsmen over there?

我要学就学哈萨克族最有特色的刺绣。I'd rather learn the stylish Kazak embroidery.

本文还分析了哈萨克族学生的六项身体发育指数。This paper analysed the data of 6 growth indices in Kazak students.

和周边的哈萨克人交流时就会用哈语。When they communicate with their Kazak neighbors, they speak Kazak.

冬不拉哈萨克族弹拨乐器。Dongbula is a plucked stringed instrument of the Kazak ethnic group.

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阿山海戈是哈萨克族伟大的哲学家、思想家和著名的哲饶。Ashankhyge is a great Kazak philosopher, ideologist and famous Jeraw.

直至今日,哈萨克人依然保留其玉兹属性的历史记忆。Up to now, Kazak people retain the historical memory of yuci from which they come.

黑鸭子组合扮成哈萨克姑娘的形象,在月光下抒发着心中的爱情。Blue Duck Group playing the part of Kazak girls voice their thirst for love with deep feeling.

哈萨克族人名的民族特点主要体现在民族信仰和民族特性上。The national characters of Kazak names are mainly in the persons of national belief and traits.

在之前的预选赛上,她已经学会了哈萨克语和葡萄牙语。Sonia had previously picked up both Kazak and Portuguese for the qualifying rounds of the contest.

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第四部分分析新疆哈萨克族伊斯兰教信仰民族特色形成的原因。The fourth part analyzes the causes of the national characteristics of the Kazak Islam belief in Xinjiang.

都拉塔口岸位于伊犁哈萨克自治州察布查尔锡伯自治县境内。Lata ports are located in the Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture qapqal Xibe Autonomous County in the territory.

新疆伊犁哈萨克自治州新源县境内26日发生雪崩,导致5人死亡,9人受困。Five people died and 9 were trapped in a snowslide Tuesday in Xinyuan County, Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture of Xinjiang.

目的对比分析新疆伊犁地区哈萨克族、锡伯族、汉族冠心病患者冠状动脉病变情况。Objective To comparatively analyze coronary artery lesion between Xibo, Kazak and Han patients with coronary heart disease.

这两部分为分析新疆哈萨克族伊斯兰教信仰的民族特色做铺垫。These two parts pave the way for analyzing the national characteristics of the Kazak nationality's Islam belief in Xinjiang.

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新疆农牧区哈萨克族青年男女的恋爱方式随着其生产生活方式的改变,正发生着明显的变化。With the change of productive and living ways, Kazak youth's loving ways in Xinjiang nomadic areas are also changing obviously.

从跨语言的角度对哈萨克语量度形容词的有标记和无标记现象进行了考察。This paper reviews the marked and unmarked issues of quantitative adjective of the Kazak language from a cross-linguistic angle.

哈萨克族先民很早就与汉民族有密切的接触交流,而且是以经济为纽带的全面和谐的全方位交流。The Kazak people maintained a close contact long ago with the Han Chinese people, a contact that is all-round, economy- oriented.