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她对于方位有很强的辨别力。She has a good sense of locality.

可能需要改进空间位置。You may need to improve spatial locality.

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这两家工厂在同一地区。The two factories are in the same locality.

那个地方的平均气温是多少?What is the mean temperature in that locality?

假如我只是放本地新闻呀风景图片呀。If I just put this locality news ah scenery picture.

方位词基本上是对称和整齐的。Nouns of locality are basically symmetrical and neat.

这儿的住民过来每天吃两餐饭。People in this locality used to take two meals a day.

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主在贵地有何新的行动?What is the present move of the Lord in your locality?

那里堪称是地球上最大的海洋爬行动物化石产地。it's the biggest locality of marine reptiles in the world.

但生长地点位于大屿山郊野公园内而受到保护。The locality is within Lantau Country Park under protection.

这个问题由于缓存击中率的因素更加尖锐化。This problem is aggravated by cache locality considerations.

这是本地最大的医院,该医院有七百张病床。This is the biggest hospital in the locality. It has 700 beds.

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辐射到东南亚及中国周边地区。Radiates to Southeast Asia and the Chinese peripheral locality.

他对这一带的地形了如指掌。He knows the terrain of this locality like the back of his hand.

住在好客成风的地方是很愉快的。It is pleasant to live in a locality where hospitality pervades.

他成长很快,已经可以独当一面了。He's matured quickly, He can now take charge of the whole locality.

居住环境的文化性体现在地方性和时代性当中。The culture of housing environments reflects in locality and times.

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在某一地理场所菌系具有寄生主的专化性。Host specialization of strains is present in one geographical locality.

迄今的试验已经排除了定域性和实在论同时成立。Experiments so far have ruled out locality and realism as a combination.

有许多决定是根据当地的现场试验得出来的。Many of these decisions must be drawn from on-farm tests in the locality.