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他有点儿老糊涂了。He has gone quite gaga.

于是你疯癫,不能正确的看待事情。And then you are gaga and can't see things right.

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天天重复过着,疯疯癫癫的糊口,什么时候才是尽头。Repeated every day, going gaga mouth, when is the end.

嘉嘉夫人将发挥今年的格拉斯顿伯里音乐节。Lady Gaga is set to play this year's Glastonbury Festival.

并且,我希望她的保护神能坚持要求她经常洗脸。Also, I would like her monsters to insist that Gaga wash her face more often.

这样的性能特点,从夫人的杀手都加加和布兰登夫洛尔。This performance features both Lady Gaga and Brandon Flowers from The Killers.

不过,以下是Gaga可以告诉我们的有关当今音乐行业如何运作的三件事。Instead, here are three things Gaga can tell us about how the music industry works now.

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从肉片装到生殖器高跟鞋,雷帝嘎嘎是铁了心要把她惊悚搞怪的着装路线坚持到底了。From meat dresses to penis shoes, Lady Gaga generally aims for her clothes to shock and awe.

蓝头发的女歌手们正取代她成为这个万圣节的风向标。Move over Lady Gaga. There are some new blue-haired songstresses taking over this Halloween.

尝试了一系列新衣,其中包含一件纯黑上衣和染色铅笔裙。Gaga was dressed in a range of clothes including a sheer black top and painted-on pencil skirt.

雷帝嘎嘎拥有在她带领的潮流里“建立情感承诺的能力”,Reckhenrich先生说道。Lady Gaga has the “ability to build emotional commitment” in those she leads, says Mr Reckhenrich.

但很快,女神卡卡本人看到了这段视频并大力转发,小阿拉贡从此声名鹊起。But the video quickly caught the attention of Lady Gaga herself and skyrocketed Ms. Aragon to fame.

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加加说,“这是一个摇滚歌曲位,所以它可能永远不会被释放作为一个单一的。Gaga said, "it's a bit of a rock and roll song, so it will probably never be released as a single".

此外,你还可以看到一个链向淑女嘎嘎CD的亚马逊网站链接。Next to that, the SuperTweet gives an affiliate link to Amazon, where you can go buy Lady Gaga CDs.

尽管她惹眼的装扮似乎表明Gaga曾想混在人群中不会发现。Despite her eye-catching ensemble it appeared Gaga had hoped she would somehow blend into the crowd.

时间一晃便是两年,等到莎宾娜归来时,她已变成一个美丽端庄、温文尔雅的女性,最终戴维也为之神魂颠倒。When she returns home two years later, she's a sophisticated beauty and finally, David goes gaga for her.

当加加暂停歌曲之间说出那一句,我们突然明白背后的音乐会灵感。When Gaga paused between songs to utter that line, we suddenly understood the inspiration behind the concert.

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有人曾引用古怪的Gaga说过的话,她说,她宁愿死都不愿粉丝们看不到她穿着这双个性的厚底鞋。Crazy Gaga has been quoted saying she would rather die than have her fans not see her in a pair of high heels.

我写歌只是为了能够写出很优美的作品,而且我会把他们放到我的新专辑中。"I wrote the song just to write a beautiful song and I intend to put it on the new album, yes, " GaGa told RWD.

她是我最好的朋友,我们在一起的时候总是疯疯颠颠的,一点也不在乎别人怎么看。She is one of my best friends. We' re always going gaga when we' re together. We don' t care about others' eyes.