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简单的潜望镜使用平面镜。A simple periscope uses mirrors.

那个潜艇艇长有个类似于潜望镜之类的东西。The captain of the submarine has got this periscope thing.

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现在,您可以让您的船民在潜望镜深度一天!Now you can keep your boat at periscope depth all day long!

他说,“想象一下九级风暴中潜艇在潜望镜深度浅潜,我们摇来晃去很不舒服。Imagine the submarine at periscope depth in a force nine. We roll heavily.

在潜望镜深度它能被敌人的侦察飞机定位。At periscope depth it can be located by the enemy's reconnaissance aircraft.

华克莱恩勉强避过,然后用潜望镜瞄准,发射鱼雷,把一艘运兵的大船炸沉。Then he brought his periscope sights on and fired torpedoes, which sank a large troop ship.

潜艇在潜望镜深度航行时,会受到来自波浪的干扰力。Submarine motion at the periscope depth, will suffer the interference that comes from waves.

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你大可在墓穴里安装一台倒置潜望镜,变态的过路人可以饥渴地窥视你。You could install a reverse periscope in your headstone so morbid voyeurs could come and ogle you.

潜望式仪器在动基座上实现瞄准线稳定时,会存在较明显的像倾斜。The image tilt is occurred at stabilizing the line of sight of periscope instrument on moving platform.

这艘精致的船只配有一座瞭望台、潜望镜和空调系统。The sophisticated vessel came equipped with a conning tower, a periscope and an air-conditioning system.

用鼠标操作,潜望镜左右两个按钮负责移动视野,点中间按钮开炮。With the mouse operation, periscope around two buttons for Mobile vision, the middle button fired point.

这一雷达系统可在最大作用距离上辨别出船只、通气管和潜望镜。The radar system can distinguish the ships, the air tube and the periscope at its largest operation range.

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他们通常在头盔右边有一个潜望镜测距器附件,与曼达洛头盔类似。They commonly had a periscope rangefinder attachment on the right side of their helmets, similar to Mandalorian helmets.

大象闻到一些感兴趣的味道,它就闻着那个味道翘起鼻子就像潜艇望远镜。When an elephant gets a whiff of something interesting, it sniffs the air with its trunk raised up like a submarine periscope.

当潜艇指挥官使用潜望镜对海面态势进行评估的时候最容易被探测到也最容易被攻击。Submarines are most vulnerable to detection when the submarine commander uses a periscope to assess the situation on the surface.

当时天色昏暗,难以用潜望镜观察,而潜艇的听音设备也坏了。The failing light was such that observation by periscope could not be relied on, and the Upholder's listening gear was out of order.

作为补偿,他们打算在竖直的钢梯顶部安置一个潜水艇的潜望镜,这个钢梯是通往原先过道出口的。To compensate, they plan to install a submarine periscope at the top of the vertical steel ladder leading to the original access hatch.

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这些条纹比一个人揸开五指的手更宽,它的眼睛看上去冷漠得象潜望镜中的反射镜,或者迎神行列中的圣徒像。They were wider than a man's hand with his fingers spread and the fish's eye looked as detached as the mirrors in a periscope or as a saint in a procession.

该雷达可为直升机提供远程水面舰艇的搜索、成像、跟踪能力,包括先进的潜望镜检测模式。The radar affords the helicopter long-range search, imaging, and tracking capabilities for surface vessels and includes an advanced periscope detection mode.

提供了消除像倾斜的参数,为实现运动平台潜望式仪器图像稳定提供了一种途径。It provides some parameters for image tilt elimination, and an approach to realize the image stabilization of periscope instrument on moving platform is presented.