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已研制的微带双工器,成功地应用于航天电子设备。The developed diplexer has beenapplied to astronautics electronics equipments successfully.

这也是我国航天史上首次实施太空行走。This is also in our country astronautics history implements for the first time spaces walk.

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1997年她毕业于北京航空航天大学国际贸易专业。She graduated at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in International Trade in 1997.

他在清华大学获得自动化专业学士和硕士学位。Jibing Chen got both Bachelor's and Master degree from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

统筹其成员各自的努力,进一步推广航空和航天遍及世界各地。To co-ordinate its Members' separate efforts to further aeronautics and astronautics throughout the world.

进化硬件在航空航天电子系统中有巨大的应用价值和潜力。Evolvable Hardware has high value and huge potential use in electronic systems of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

目前进行轴流泵叶轮设计多参考航天航空领域内的翼型。Now when people design impeller, they frequently had reference to the airfoils of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

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神舟七号载人航天飞行的圆满成功,是我国航天发展史上的又一里程碑。The Shenzhou seven man-in-space flight's complete success, is in our country astronautics history another milestone.

三年来,这个问题一直在考验着国际宇航科学研究院SETI小组的科学家。For three years, this issue has been exercising a group of SETI scientists in the International Academy of Astronautics.

国家航天局通知我,他们已经选定我参加在肯尼迪宇航中心进行的航天学专门训练。NASA informed me that they had chosen me to attend their special astronautics training program at the Kennedy Space Center!

蜂窝夹芯结构已经广泛应用于航空航天领域,特别是在现代卫星结构中,它已经成为主要的承力结构。Honeycomb sandwich structures have been widely used in the fields of astronautics and aerospace, especially in Satellite structure.

2006年北航俄语专业硕士研究生第一次招生,实行新型的两年制培养方案。Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics began to recruit postgraduate students of Russian major, two-year program, since 2006.

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另一方面,由于航天员出舱主要用手来执行任务,要求手套不影响手的灵活、运动、触觉等特性。However, the glove must also allow the astronautics to perform tasks with his or her hands. The above criteria are obviously contradictory.

一个典型的例子是神州五号的成功发射,这使中国在航空航天领域赢得了很高的地位。A good case in point is the successful launching of "Shenzhou V Spacecraft" which sets China in a high position of aviation and astronautics.

这些考虑激发了国际宇航科学研究院SETI小组的积极性去拒绝取缔向天空传送信号。Such considerations motivated the SETI group at the International Academy of Astronautics to reject a proscription of transmissions to the sky.

至少现在,有这么一个孩子已经长大,而且即将实现自己的梦想,他就是来自日本东京大学航空航天工程学的教授——铃木真二。And at least one kid who grew up to become a professor at Tokyo University’s Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics has held onto that dream.

主要用于航空测量、航空遥感、卫星海洋观测、航天侦察、图像匹配制导等。Its mainly used in air survey, aviation remote sensing, satellite sea observation, astronautics reconnaissance, picture match guidance and so on.

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仅仅发射8艘飞船就能生产制造成熟的天地往返运输器,这在世界航天史上是史无前例的。Launches 8 airships to be able merely the manufacturing mature world round-trip conveyer, this in the world astronautics history is unprecedented.

对航空航天产品中精密偶件壳体等几类通用零件的数控制造工艺难点进行探讨,阐述一些工艺要点及关键。The difficulties in NC machining technology of precision coupler shell part in products of aeronautics and astronautics. The key points were presented.

与在南航NH-2低速风洞中的实验结果比较表明,计算方法和优化设计是成功的。The tests in NH-2 low speed wind tunnel at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics showed good agreement between computation and test values.