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我的医生是一个酷男。He is a hipster.

那些时髦的店员通常对我翻翻他们眼睛。The hipster salesperson would just roll his eyes.

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‘潮人’是研究社会形态的知识分子,是酷炫的学生。The hipster is a scholar of social forms, a student of cool.

但现在,这种原本时髦的大众装扮开始让人厌弃和烦闷。Now, however, the hipster uniform is beginning to both bore and annoy people.

那儿有不同的饭店,但都很新。都像是“潮人景观”。Different types of restaurants, but it's young. It's the whole like hipster scene.

画了一个时髦的卡通漫画的人开始与V领T恤行家装备。Draw a cartoon hipster outfit of a trendy cartoon man beginning with a V-necked T-shirt.

当然使用GTD工具更好些,如商务用的PDA和kGTD去记录你需要做的事情。Better yet, use GTD tools such as the hipster PDA and kGTD to keep track of what you need to do.

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然后人们开始搬去那里,开启了人们所说的“潮人文化”。And then people started moving there and then began what people like to call "the hipster culture".

在框中首席执行官杰克是一个时髦的是精心制作的讽刺和公开的斯托纳盛传填补广告。The Jack in the Box is a hipster CEO whose ads are filled with carefully crafted irony and an overt stoner vibe.

帕吉是只有小胡子的,且有工艺品展的可爱的猫咪,而且在网上,基本上他就是最时髦的喵星人了。Pudge is an adorable cat with a moustache and a craft show, and is basically the most hipster cat on the internet.

他自称“潮人”,并表示自己经常质疑是什么左右着流行趋势,尤其是在音乐方面。Polson describes himself as a hipster and says he often questions what determines popularity, especially regarding music.

我从没有成为一名极简主义者,因为我想参加一些运动,做一个旅行者,以改变人类为乐。I never became a ‘minimalist’ because I wanted to join some movement, be a hipster outcast and revel in “screwing The Man”.

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消息灵通的员工写博客,在Twitter上聊天,他们根本就不在乎杜威十进制分类法,只有老派的图书馆员才在乎这个。Hipster staffers who blog, chat on Twitter and care little about the Dewey Decimal System are edging out old-school librarians.

他们虽然花费几千美金制作出来,而且具有赶时髦的质量,却没有影响到很多的选举者。But they can run in the thousands of dollars to create and aside from a certain hipster quality don't tend to reach many voters.

他的这个想法诞生了一个叫做“怪物”的简单的产品,一种独立的、孩子和潮流人士的房间都适用的有趣的灯具。His mind birthed a simple creation called Monster, a playful freestanding lamp suitable for kids rooms as well as space-age hipster pads.

在纽约皇后区长大的互联网弄潮儿,萨米尔.汗,也是为了与奥拉基一起对美国发动圣战,而在2009年离开北卡罗来纳州的父母前往也门。And Samir Khan, the internet hipster raised in Queens, left his parents home in North Carolina in 2009 to join Awlaki in Jihad against America.

它们不叫“爱尔兰酒吧”、“装饰艺术晚餐俱乐部”、“阿根廷牛排屋”、“法国小酒馆”或者“时尚小酒厂”之类的,但它们拥有这样的职能。They weren't called Irish Pub, Art Deco Supper Club, Argentine Steakhouse, French Bistro or Hipster Microbrewery, but they might as well have been.

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作为微软公司中负责把握业界潮流的高管,Allard告诉盖茨,他的团队不准备打造新的邮件用户体验。Allard, Microsoft's executive hipster charged with keeping tabs on computing trends, told Gates his team wasn't trying to build another e-mail experience.

相比之下,圆形镜架能营造一种嬉皮士的效果。时尚博客风向观察家说,它们是“向过去人们概念中的眼镜形状的怀旧致意。”By contrast, round frames create a hipster effect. They are "a nostalgic wink to older decades' conceptions of its shape", according to The Trend Spotter.

时髦细高跟鞋、时尚紧身牛仔裤和可爱手提包等如今的时尚服饰看起来很时髦,但对你的身体可不一定有好处。Today's fashions, such as slinky stilettos, skin-tight hipster jeans and cute hand-held purses, may look sharp but may not be all that great for your body.