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想来这块斑斑点点白乎乎的东西是洛林糕?。That blobby, white thing is supposedly quiche lorraine?

乳蛋饼盘内刷上黄油,并撒满面包屑。Butter quiche dish, then sprinkle all over with bread crumbs.

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她会做法式咸味蛋糕,还会下国际象棋,而且和我一样喜爱滑雪。She makes Quiche Lorraine, plays chess, and like me she loves to ski.

科琳放弃烹饪火腿司蛋卷,因为她不能正确的烹调火腿司蛋卷。Corinne quit cooking quick e because she could not quite cook quiche correctly.

圣诞节蛋卷是一个完美的化妆提前早餐,很容易重新热而孩子们打开他们的圣诞礼物。Christmas quiche is a perfect make-ahead breakfast that's easy to re-heat while the kids open their Christmas presents.

烤了这个美味蛋饼食谱的前一天,在这个自由视频从一个专业厨师示范节日餐。Bake up this flavorful quiche recipe the day before with a demonstration from a professional chef in this free video on holiday meals.

但你并不总是要让这一天塞满了你的营养健康的蛋奶起司蛋糕和可爱的侄子们——有时你对此并不在行。but the day is not always filled with your organic, healthy quiche and adorable nephews –sometimes you end up outside of your element.

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我问一位男士为什么不吃乳蛋饼,他停下来,用手中的叉子轻拍下巴,显出一副深思熟虑的样子。I ask a man by the tills what stopped him from going for the quiche today, and he pauses, fork tapping his chin to denote thoughtfulness.

今天,霓虹灯照耀着提供美食、豪华度假、房地产和其它服务的各种商店,餐厅出售从烤肉到蛋卷的各样美食。Today, neon pulsates over storefronts offering designer goods, delicacies, luxury vacations, exclusive real-estate and other pleasures. Restaurants run the gamut from kebab to quiche.

正如你所说,他是在做出自己的决定,没有女人会要求他们吃什锦蛋饼或是豆腐,你们可能没注意到但是背景音乐中有提及,等下我会再放一次,但背景乐中有'我再也不吃什锦蛋饼了',永别豆腐,之类的歌词He's making his own decision as you said and no woman is going to tell him to eat quiche or tofu and that you may have missed it but in the song there we'll show this later in class again but in the song they say that 'I won't eat quiche anymore' and 'goodbye to tofu' and things like that.