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司令官这一天过得真倒楣。The Commandant has had a rotten day.

克莱默是卑尔根贝尔森集中营的指挥官。Kramer was the Commandant of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

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美国陆海空三军工业学院前指挥官。Former Commandant of the Industrial College of the US Armed Forces.

琼斯将军身材高大,气度不凡,他是前任美国海军陆战队司令。General Jones is a tall, imposing former commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps.

经过司令官批准之后,类单词可以添加到标准化列表中。Class words may be added to the standardized list upon approval by Commandant.

经过司令官批准之后,基本单词可以添加到标准化列表中。Prime words may be added to the standardized list upon approval by Commandant.

舰长向司令官汇报他们已经做好完成任务的准备。The captains report to the commandant that they are ready to accomplish their tasks.

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作为科拉希基地的指挥官总是有某些特权的,而他已经学会了如何去利用这些特权。Being Commandant of Camp Currahee had its privileges, and he had learned how to use them.

不过,最坚决的反对者还是海军陆战队司令卡尔.芒迪将军。But the most adamant opponent was the commandant of the Marine Corps, General Carl Mundy.

斯坦格尔出生在奥地利,曾经是索必泊和特布凌卡灭绝集中营的指挥官。Born in Austria, Stangl was a commandant of the Sobibor and Treblinka extermination camps.

当天晚上我们连就被紧急集合的警报给惊醒了,然后就到了城防卫戍司令那。The same night our company was awaked by alarm and delivered to the commandant of the city.

成为库拉希营地的指挥官有一定特权,他也学会了怎么利用。Beta-5. Being Commandant of Camp Currahee had its privileges, and he had learned how to use them. He.

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上述费用来自主格思里,武装部队和SAS的上校司令的前负责人。The charge came from Lord Guthrie, former head of the Armed Forces and colonel commandant of the SAS.

今年2月,美国海军陆战队司令詹姆斯·阿莫斯上将称,他希望看到“每次巡逻都有军犬相伴。”In February, Marine Commandant Gen. James Amos stated that he'd like to see "a dog with every patrol."

他们抓住了阵营指挥官和虽然他以后释放了,这是一次非常欺凌的事件。They captured a camp commandant and although he was later released, it was a very humiliating incident.

然而海岸警卫队司令否认他的船只被用来攻击密城或任何其他利比亚城市。But the coast guard commandant denied that his vessels were used to attack Misrata or any other Libyan city.

雷诺阿的经典论著战争,侧重于第一次世界大战期间,法国犯人和他们的培养德国司令官。Renoir's classic treatise on war, focusing on French prisoners during WWI and their cultured German commandant.

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机械师选了辆斯太尔220,这是奥斯维辛最快的车,专门给指挥官配备的。The mechanic had picked the Steyr 220 – the fastest car in Auschwitz, there for the sole use of the commandant.

看见戴着防毒面具在屋内值勤的党卫军,司令官一时回想起上次大战时他当兵的情形。The gas-masked SS men on duty inside give the Commandant a momentary remembrance of his service in the last war.

这个命名标准需要一个正式的类单词列表,这个列表由司令官开发、维护和集中控制。The naming standards require an official class word list be developed, maintained, and centrally controlled by Commandant.