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当然,奥西里斯是一个典型的“耶稣”。Certainly, Osiris was a prototypical Jesus.

在古埃及,伊西斯和奥西里斯统治的土地。In ancient Egypt, Isis and Osiris ruled the land.

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第二天,我实行了“奥西里斯计划”,居然成功了!The next day I tried the "Osiris Plan, " and it worked!

在变轨期间,OSIRIS观测了地球夜晚那一面。During the swing-by, OSIRIS observed Earth's night-side.

同时,墨西哥的羽蛇神,埃及的欧西里斯,还有其它的,也是如此。So also, Quexalcote, of Mexico, Osiris of Egypt, and others.

奥西里斯是真理,谁吃他的“肉”就也成了真理。Osiris was 'Truth,' and those who ate him became 'Truth' also.

为了表达对古人的敬意,我把这种方法命名为“奥西里斯计划”。In deference to the ancients, I called this the "Osiris Plan."?

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那时我才明白,即使奥西里斯和太阳神都来帮我也无济于事。I knew then that even Osiris and Ra, put together, couldn't help me.

神明奥西里斯描绘自己也是一个棺木,觉醒,以新的生命。The god Osiris himself is also depicted on a bier, awakening to new life.

我们必须要平衡神秘的伊西斯寻找,她的爱人欧西里斯。We have to balance the mysteriously female Isis' search for her lover Osiris.

在古埃及的夜空,猎户座的腰带三星就是欧西里斯的化身。In the Egyptian sky, the 3 stars of Orion's belt was the embodiment of Osiris.

康翁波神庙有一个关于奥西里斯和赛特的传说故事。There is a story about two gods named Osiris and Seth. It is about the Key of Life.

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豹头人身的希腊神,俄赛里斯之子。他引导死者去接受审判。A jackal-headed Egyptian god and the son of Osiris. He conducted the dead to judgment.

奥西里斯也是神的葡萄枝和一个伟大的给世界带来文明的旅行导师。Osiris was also the god of the vine and a great traveling teacher who civilized the world.

她与伊希斯紧密地联系一起,正如塞斯和莎披被与奥斯里斯和何露斯联系那样。She was linked closely with Isis , just as Sah and Soped were linked with Osiris and Horus.

天狼星和他的丈夫塞斯神,被认为是以伊希斯和奥斯里斯显现。Sothis , and her husband, the god Sah, came to be viewed as manifestations of Isis and Osiris.

奥西里斯的神话起源地埃及和耶稣居住的巴勒斯坦一带接壤。Egypt, where the myth of Osiris was originated, shares borders with Palestine, where Jesus lived.

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奥西里斯死后,其妻子伊西斯通过祈祷竟然神奇的怀孕了,并在一个岛上生下了何鲁斯。Horus was conceived magically after the death of Osiris and brought up by Isis on a floating island.

盖显示了一系列的保护神,以及一个现场奥西里斯前一神台。The lid shows a series of protective deities, as well as a scene of Osiris before an offering table.

欧西里斯被他黑暗的兄弟塞特所杀,把他撕成13块碎片,分散在整个埃及。Osiris is killed by his dark brother Set, who rips him into 13 pieces and scatters them across Egypt.