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一九二九年二月再版。In February 1929 reprint.

您能不能给我一份抽印本?Would you please give me a reprint?

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复印件与原文核对无误。The reprint checks with the original.

与单行本出版物的不同之处在于再版引用出处。It differs from reprinted publication in that a reprint cites sources.

不要窃听私人谈话,不要购买重印这些谈话的报纸。Don't bug private conversations, and don't buy papers that reprint them.

因为你们公司的失误,我们要重新印刷所有的宣传册。Due to the mistake of your company, we have to reprint all the brochures.

任何翻版,近似模拟,复制均有可能触及法律责任。Any reprint , similar to simulation, duplicating may touch legal liability.

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“西方媒体不会原文照登我们的稿件”,他说,“但是很多会剽窃”。“The Western media won't reprint us verbatim ” he says.“But some plagiarize.

“西方媒体不会原文照登我们的稿件”,他说,“但是很多会剽窃”。“The Western media won't reprint us verbatim,” he says.“But some plagiarize.

“西方媒体不会原文照登我们的稿件”,他说,“但是很多会剽窃”。"The Western media won't reprint us verbatim " he says. "But some plagiarize.

你可以复制这篇文章在电子杂志、简报、网站或博客上,但请注意You may reprint this article in ezines, newsletters, websites or blogs, provided

本杂志中的各篇文章未经特殊许可一律不得转载。It is forbidden to reprint any article from this magazine without special permission.

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你的转载是对本贴最大的支持,让更多人同念佛恩!Your reprint of this paste maximum support so that more people with both sexes are TU !

这篇文章可作再版只要作者函数住在内环线。This article may be used for reprint as long as authors byline and live link is included.

社会学和科学学对学术转载的要求又构成了学术转载的标准。The requirement of the sociology and science on academic reprint constituted its standard.

著作权法赋予报刊转载、摘编权是毋庸置疑的。It is beyond question that Copyright Law endows the press with the right of reprint and excerpt.

你可以自由地转载这一信息在您的网站上提供了以下说明丝毫无损。You may freely reprint this information on your website provided the following caption remains intact.

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但事实是,不经过批准而对美联社新闻故事进行全文盗用的网站寥寥无几,也并不赚钱。But the sites that actually reprint AP content in full without permission are few and make little money.

这Elibron经书是一个由海因曼和马里士他,莱比锡1891年版影印版。This Elibron Classics book is a facsimile reprint of a 1891 edition by Heinemann and Balestier, Leipzig.

这意味着FSA彻底改头换面,虽然大多数人工作还在,只不过是重新印一次名片。It means total upheaval at the FSA, although many will keep their jobs and simply reprint their business cards.