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幸福与道德责任密不可分。Happiness and moral duty are inseparably connected.

原始时期的音乐和舞蹈密不可分。Primitive music was inseparably connected with dancing.

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政治与文明有着不可分割的关系。Politics and civilization have inseparably intimate relation.

公众联合的祷告,不能缺少隐密处的祷告生活而存在。My hidden prayer life is inseparably bound up with united prayer.

小说的内容和结构形态互为因果,不可分割。The content of fiction is inseparably interconnected with its form and structure.

粤语与壮语有着脱不开的渊源关系。There are original relation inseparably between the Cantonese and Zhuang Laguage.

运城地区的文化旅游与关公文化是相辅相成的。Cultural tourism and Guan Gong culture in Yuncheng area is inseparably interconnected.

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现在,使用iGoogle的用户又多了十个离不开iGoogle的理由!At present, there could be another ten reasons of using iGoogle inseparably from iGoogle’s users.

美与美感都是审美创造的产物,二者不可分割。Both of the beautiful and the aesthetic perception inseparably arise from the aesthetic creation.

自从人类文明产生之日起,服饰就和人的身体密不可分。From the date of human civilization produce, cloth has been closely and inseparably related to our bodies.

它与有组织犯罪有着不可分割的内在联系,在有组织犯罪形成发展中起着精神动力的作用。It inseparably links with organized crime and works as the spirit motivity in the development of organized crime.

人类与环境是紧密联系在一起的,所以我们要保护好环境。Humankind and the environment are inseparably linked together. Therefore, we need to protect the environment well.

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两个人各自展开了自己的旅途,他们从无交集,但他们的命运最终却纠缠在一起。Each embarks on his own journey and although their paths never cross, their fates turn out to be inseparably intertwined.

根据亚里士多德,要获知是类意义,我们往往得求诸事物的制作过程,认识作者力求完美的理性经过。Such meaning, according to Aristotle, is inseparably tied to deciphering the rational process of how a thing is made and made well.

项目的进度目标、投资目标和质量目标是相互关联、相互制约、相互兼顾、相辅相成的。Objectives of project progress, investment and quality are correlated, constrained, considered each other and inseparably inter-connected.

合作与升级不可分,合作为升级建造平台,升级为合作带来活力。Cooperation is inseparably connected with upgrading. Cooperation builds a platform for upgrading and upgrading brings vitality to cooperation.

科研工作是提升高职院校综合实力的抓手,与教学相辅相成,密不可分。Scientific research, an important part of promoting the comprehensive strength in vocational colleges, is inseparably complementary to teaching.

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明清浙东学术与宁波商帮之间,实有相辅相成的内在渊源。The East Zhejiang School of Thought and Ningbo' s Commerce in the Ming and Qing Dynasties shared the similar sources and were inseparably interconnected.

很显然,这些人物形象之所以呈现出如此令人恐惧和恶心的容貌,与艺术家要表达的一个中心观念密不可分,那就是欲望。Obviously, the reason why these figures presented so terrible and lousy, is because of the inseparably clou that the artist would like to express, and that is the desire.

墨子面向下层百姓大胆勾画了一个平等、兼爱的社会蓝图,他的造物理念与这一蓝图紧密相连。Mozi daringly constructed a society blueprint of "impartial caring "and "universal love"for common people, and his design theories correlated with this blueprint inseparably.