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茎通常丛生。Stems often tufted.

小山包上长着一簇低矮的灌木丛。Ran a hill tufted with small bushes.

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棉或麻制簇绒织物。Tufted textile fabrics of cotton or flax, etc.

具有浓密的簇状白色棉状绒毛或象绒毛的颖。Having densely tufted white cottony or down like glumes.

北温带的一种簇状多年生卷耳。Densely tufted perennial chickweed of north temperate zone.

提香炉的撒拉弗的脚步声响在有簇饰的地板。Swung by Seraphim whose foot-falls tinkled on the tufted floor.

猴?一种毛粗而硬,嘴部突起的欧种小犬。A breed of small dogs of European origin, having wiry, shaggy hair and a tufted muzzle.

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生长型既有直立生长又有匍匐生长和蔓生,前者有时为簇生。They range from erect, sometimes tufted , forms to prostrate creeping plants and climbers.

当它还是我祖母的财产时,表面是蓝金条纹的绒布。When my grandmother owned it, it was tufted and covered in blue and gold striped chenille.

结合本实验室的基因定位研究对毛冠鹿的Y染色体进行了验证。And we checked the Y chromosome of tufted deer associate with gene localization by our lab.

本文研究了变容管调谐的微带环形谐振器带通滤波器。In this paper, varactor tufted bandpass filters of microstrip ring- resonators are studied.

她把头埋在枕头里,一面哭一面用双脚乱踢着被子。She burrowed her head in the pillow and cried and kicked her feet at the tufted counterpane.

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地震时,所有的坡鹿和毛冠鹿都立刻跑出鹿圈,显得焦虑不安。During the quake all Eld's deer and tufted deer immediately ran out of the barns and appeared agitated.

报道了采用人工代乳品对成都动物园繁殖的一只毛冠鹿进行全人工育幼获得成功的资料。Some information of artificial rearing with the milk of cows in young tufted deers is reported in this paper.

很明显真正的手工编结地毯比手工钉结地毯和机织地毯更值得您付出。Obviously you pay more for a high quality rug tightly woven than an average machine-made or hand -made- tufted rug.

这些鸟类栖息最大最古老的科曼多尔群岛被称为簇羽海鹦岛。The largest and most ancient colony of the birds inhabiting Komandorskie Islands is called the island of Tufted Puffins.

原仅指机织物,现亦包括织物、黏合物、毡和簇绒织物。The word originally referred only to woven fabrics but now includes knitted, bonded, felted, and tufted fabrics AS well.

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太平地毯-大型高档地毯制造企业,中国地毯行业唯一香港上市公司。Tai Ping Carpets-Carpets manufacturer in China Handtufted Carpet, Axminster Carpet, Machine tufted Carpet, Wilton Carpet.

目前并无台湾地区的流行病学研究,同时也缺少治疗方面的准则。There is a lack of epidemiological reports on tufted angioma among Taiwanese and also a dearth of therapeutic guidelines.

它是以化学纤维为原料,用簇绒法或机织法加工成纤维面层,以麻布为基底的合成地毯。It is based on chemical fiber as raw material, processed into fibers by tufted or woven by layer, synthetic carpets to linen base.