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镶木地板光洁如镜。The parquet floors shone like mirrors.

您可以到地板商店得到更好的咨询结果。Better consultation You con receive in parquet shop.

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他想在镶木地板上旋几个舞步时滑倒了。He slipped as he tried to waltz on the parquet floor.

他想在镶木地板上旋几个舞步,滑倒了。He slipped as he tried to waltz on the parquet floor.

这张特写照片上显示出拼花地板上发光的文字。The close-up photo revealed the glowing message on the parquet floor.

这个公寓有欧式厨房,瓷砖浴池、拼花地板。This apartment has a European Style Kitchen, Tile Baths, and Parquet Floors.

你不必告诉我6A的情形,我在那里的木地板上玩过跳房子。You don’t have to tell me about 6A. I’ve played hopscotch on its parquet floors.

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第一张贴图采用的是r。光泽度,在镶木地板漆中产生了些许变化。First map is added in r. glossiness to make subtle changes in the parquet lacquer.

剧场正厅座位剧院正厅中乐池与楼方锯厢下的部位之间的部分。The part of the main floor of a theater between the orchestra pit and the parquet circle.

在实测的基础上,对波萝格地板涂饰表面裂纹情况进行了分析,验证了此工艺方案的可行性。Based on the tests, it also analyses the surface checking of parquet and proves its feasibility.

内部的细节尽可能保持最小,但铺设了镶木地板和照明灯。Details inside are kept as minimal as possible, but parquet flooring and lighting have been installed.

酒店的客房备有舒适的安乐椅,拥有镶花地板和浴室,带有明亮的化妆镜。The rooms feature comfortable easy chairs, parquet floors and bathrooms come with illuminated make-up mirrors.

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穿过四合院,走入正厅,首先映入眼帘的是落下闳的坐像。Going through the quadrangle courtyard and here we are in the parquet. Luoxia Hong's statue is before our eyes.

在他们的左边,拼花地板上放着供参观者小憩的八边形大沙发,看上去就像广阔的海洋中有一座黑暗的孤岛。To the left, the room's octagonal viewingdivan emerged, looking like a dark island on the empty sea of parquet.

整个房间采用天然橡木人字形拼花地板,作为洁白的墙的补充,为房间增添了一道温暖的色调。Natural oak herringbone parquet floor throughout the house adds a warm tone that complements the clean white walls.

浙江绿家木业有限公司是一家专业生产实木地板及各类实木复合地板的生产企业。Is a company specializing in the production of solid wood flooring and all types of parquet manufacturing enterprises.

浅木本色的天花板造型,是为了配合地面的强化木地板拼花设计,并和橱柜相协调。Naturallight wood ceiling molding is inline with laminate flooring parquet floor design and coordination and cabinets.

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在扩建部分的室内,橡木拼花地板、浅色砖砌墙和黑色木材都保证了建筑表面的耐用性。Inside the extension, oak parquet flooring, light-coloured brickwork and black-painted timber provide durable surfaces.

加内特跪在地板上,亲吻了球场中心的球队吉祥物Leprechaun,然后找到了篮球名人堂成员拉塞尔拥抱了很久。Garnett dropped to the parquet and kissed the leprechaun at center court, then found Hall of Famer Bill Russell for a long embrace.

他们在出口平铺直叙的、设定在镶木地板的现代公寓里的、让人感受跃动法兰西的文艺片方面有着较好记录。They have a better export record with highbrow, low-plot movies, set in chic apartments with parquet floors, that feel moodily French.