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但它依然是盗窃。But it's theft.

我指控他犯了偷窃罪。I charge him with theft.

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我们投保盗窃险了吗?Are we covered for theft?

我要一宗盗窃案。I want to report a theft.

我要报一宗偷窃案。I wish to report a theft.

我要报一宗偷窃案。i want to report a theft.

他承认这是一种盗窃行为。He agrees that it’s theft.

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他因盗窃罪受到审判。He was on trial for theft.

他因偷窃罪被传讯。He was arraigned for theft.

他控告那人犯有偷窃罪。He accused the man of theft.

赃物成了他思想上的很大负担。The theft weighed on his mind.

她面临着两宗偷窃罪。She faces two charges of theft.

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丢失设备造成的数据盗窃。Lost devices lead to data theft.

陪审团宣判他犯有偷窃罪。The jury convicted him of theft.

西澳州盗窃的法律。Theft laws in Western Australia.

公安指控他犯有盗窃罪。The police accemploy him of theft.

保单保了火灾和盗窃险。This policy covers fire and theft.

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保罗被利用为从犯。Paul was made accessory to the theft.

这次小偷把亨利的钱都偷光了。The theft cleaned Henry out of money.

他因偷窃罪被传讯。He was arraigned on a charge of theft.