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这样你也不用让朋友和家人对你的创业做出评估。This lets you avoid having to ask your friends and family to valuate your venture.

最后,本文将实物期权理论应用到企业投资决策中。Lastly, the article applies real option theory to valuate enterprise investment decision.

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意思如果你要评价自己的口语和写作能力,你会分别给它们打多少分?If you valuate your oral and written ability, what scores will you be for them respectively?

本文运用数学方法对纺院大学生入学、毕业体检等主要项目指标进行综合评价。In this paper, using mathematical method valuate the main index of medical examination of students.

权证研究中的热点问题是对权证价格波动性的估计和预测。To valuate and predict the price volatility of warrants is one of the hottest issues in the security circles.

但矿山投资项目的风险评判相当复杂,传统的回归分析方法并不能取得令人满意的效果。It is very complicated to valuate risks that it can not be satisfying results by traditional regressing methods.

一个人的真正价值,不在于外界怎么评估你,而在于自己如何最大限度地挖掘自身潜力!The real value of a person doesn't depend on how the others valuate him but the fully excavation of his own potential.

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为了实现与国际接轨就必须推广采用工程量清单计价模式。It is necessary to widespread and adopting valuate mode of engineering list in consonance with international engineering.

领导干部必须树立正确的政绩观,把群众利益作为创政绩的出发点、落脚点和评价标准。The leader must set up the right achievement view and regard the crowd's benefits as the start, basis and valuate criterion.

改进政府绩效,是公共行政的一个难题,而其中的关键则是对政府绩效如何进行评估。Improving government performance is a problem to public administration, but the key is how to valuate government performance.

分析邓肯的自由舞蹈含义及其舞蹈艺术观,对邓肯艺术产生的影响作了客观的评价。This paper analyzes concept of dance art and meaning of Denkon free dance. And it valuate objectively influence of Denkon art.

并购中的核心内容就是对目标企业价值进行评估,而目标企业价值评估的重点在于如何选择和使用适当的价值评估方法。In this process, the key point is how to evaluate the target company and then how to choose the appropriate approach to valuate.

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在过去,这个模型已经被广泛地使用在股票的评价上,主要是因为它的公式简单,容易被应用。In the past, this model has been widely used to valuate equity, mainly because of the easy application due to its simple structure.

另外,从读者观照的角度出发,考察译者对翻译技巧的选择,可以找到一条评价翻译技巧选择成败得失的新途径。With respect to the consideration of the readers, a new method is found to valuate the translation skills chosen by a certain translator.

探讨了人力资本产权特性对人力资本评估的影响,并对未来人力资本评估工作进行了展望。This article explores the influence of property right on human capital valuation, and forecasts how to valuate human capital in the future.

结果显示,控制了风险态度和交易成本等因素之后,卖家的信誉水平仍然对一口价的设定和执行具有显著的影响。Buy price also has a significant reference effect for the buyer to valuate of the article, the scale of which positively correlates with the seller's reputation.

选择科学的评价方法对石油天然气田开发中地下水环境所受影响进行评估,将得到地下水环境所受影响程度的正确结论。Selecting a scientific evaluation method to valuate the effect of natural petroleum gas field development on ground water environment will lead to a correct evaluation.

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本论文首先对烟台网通宽带城域网的业务及网络发展现状进行评估,提出城域网改造的必要性和可行性。First, This article valuate the service and network actuality of the wide band IP MAN of YanTai CNC, then put forward the necessity and possibility of the MAN reformation.

而且,人力资本可以通过多种方法进行计价,人力资本价值的量化以及人力资本的利益分配格局使得人力资本参与收益分配的操作具有可行性。The human capital can valuate through many kinds of methods and create two parts of value. So it is feasible that human capital participates in the distribution of income.

在我国,部分父母用“乖”或“不乖”来评价儿童的一切行为表现,“乖孩子”就是“好孩子”的标准。In China, some parents valuate children with the only standard of guai, which is a unique concept in Chinese culture. Guai means obeying, smartness, honesty, and diligence.