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相似的人会相轻“"Similarity breeds contempt?"

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相似倒是会产生魅力?Similarity breeds attraction. Okay?

这就是相似性的一个例子。Here's an example of this similarity.

但是,两个湖也就只有这一点相似。But that is where the similarity ends.

二者的相似性会令你感到惊奇。The similarity is likely to surprise you.

这些都是相似的方面。All of these are dimensions of similarity.

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似系数根据施凯维奇“属似性指标”算算。FD. Szymkiewicz′ s similarity index of genus.

这一点的确和古罗马有某些相似之处。It does have a certain similarity to ancient Rome.

专制集权者的绝对相同点。The absolute similarity of the absolutistic powers.

这对孪生儿相像得惊人。There was a wonderful similarity between the twins.

只是一种浮于表面的相似。And it's a superficial, formal, external similarity.

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整个造型与北海的白塔相似。White Tower and the North Sea, the shape similarity.

它对类似矿山设备的改进有很好的借鉴意义。It is a good reference to similarity mine equipments.

请注意大通发射阵地与德令哈发射阵地的相似程度。Note the similarity to the Datong and Delingha sites.

可以按文件、组、系统和相似性进行浏览。You can browse by files, groups, system, and similarity.

结构相似性是类比推理的基础。Structure similarity is the basis of analogical reasoning.

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百分比形式的权重代表的是相似度。A weight in percentage represents the degree of similarity.

我认为有一个人和姚明有许多相似之处,那就是曼宁。One person I see most similarity with Yao is Petre Manning.

但是相似的只是形式。But Kaufman says the similarity is a similarity in form only.