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有的人把上升的原因归结为过分强调少年时期的成功。Some attribute the rise to an overemphasis on early success.

过于强调任何一种都是片面的,不科学的。Overemphasis of domestication or foreignization is one-sided and not scientific.

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我们绝不能够过分强调圣爱而否认上帝的仁爱。We must not respond to an overemphasis on divine love by denying that God is love.

过分强调语法教学与过分淡化语法教学都是不可取的。It is not advisable to adopt the methods of overemphasis or neglect of English grammar.

过分强调问题的一个方面经常掩盖了其他方面的相关性。An overemphasis on one side of problems often covers up the coreslation to other aspects.

我反对过分强调日本是一个特殊的团体为导向的社会。I rebel against the overemphasis of notions that this is a particularly group-oriented society.

太甚强调题目的一个方面往往包围了其他方面的相关性。The overemphasis on one particular or netect of tough often obscures the relevance of other issues.

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过分强调问题的一个方面经常掩盖了其他方面的相关性。注意,注意力集中。The overemphasis on one particular aspect of a problem often obscures the relevance of other issues.

但批评人士指出,崇高的目标会因过分强调国家尊严和政治意义而失色。But critics say those noble goals have been submerged by an overemphasis on national pride and politics.

过分强调题目的一个方面通常掩盖了其他方面的相关性。你看写作。The overemphasis on one pmethodicular regarding a problem often obull crapcures the relevance of other issues.

无论是过于求同还是过于求异,都会妨碍中西译论间有效的对话互动。Overemphasis on either side would hinder the effective dialogic interactions between the two translation traditions.

要防止因过于强调交往的重要性而投入太多的时间和精力。We shall be prevented from inputting too much time and energy due to overemphasis of the importance of communication.

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传统的教育规律观过分强调规律的客观性、然性和确定性,不利于人们的教育实践。Overemphasis of the objectivity, inevitability and certainty of the educational laws is against the education practice.

生物技术有能力解决诸如干旱等挑战,但是过分注重生物安全可能会妨碍进展。Biotechnology has the capacity to address challenges such as drought, but overemphasis on biosafety may hinder progress.

研究者认为以前那些老的研究的问题所在,在于过度强调了狗的特征,还有他们在研究中仅仅使用了还存活的动物。The problem with the old study, the researchers believe, was its overemphasis on dogs and its use of living species alone.

但在作曲家们过度主观意识下创作的结果,却也令乐曲渐渐地失去了音乐的朴实与纯粹。However, the overemphasis on the subjective experience of the composers led to the gradual loss of simplicity and purity in their music.

他们认为人们过于强调了字数,也就是增加每分钟一个人能阅读的单词数。They believe that there has been overemphasis on the "number game" of increasing the number of words a person can "run through" per minute.

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在离婚中由于过多强调离婚自由,而忽视了未成年人的独立主体地位。In some cases of divorcement, independent and autonomous position for the minors have been overlooked in view of overemphasis on free choice of divorcement.

有的人把上升的原因归结为过分强调少年时期的成功,有的人指出是增长的同伴之间的压力,还有人认为是对变化的社会价值的迷茫造成的。Some attribute the rise to an overemphasis on early success , others point to mounting peer pressure , still others to confusion over changing social values.

原建筑设计对外立面效果的过度强调导致了大部分室内空间的封闭、狭窄与不规则。The overemphasis on the exterior elevation in its former design resulted in the closeness, straitness and irregularity of the majority of the interior space.