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为什么会得静脉曲张?有什么治疗方法?Why can you get varicosity? What treats a method?

预防和缓解褪部静脉曲张症状。The prevention and the alleviation sheds the varicosity symptom.

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促进循环代谢,防止水肿。舒解静脉曲张与肿胀。Promotes circulation. Prevents edemas and lessen varicosity and swell.

请问谁知道静脉曲张有什么好的健康的治疗方法吗?Who knows the healthy remedial method with good what varicosity has excuse me?

请问小腿静脉曲张手术哪一种最好?最快,最安全?Excuse me crus varicosity operation which kind of best? The fastest, the safest?

同时,可预防中风及静脉曲张等多种老年疾病。Also, it can prevent old people from several diseases such as apoplexy, varicosity and etc.

治疗静脉曲张的弹力袜只有在大医院和大药房才能买到吗?Is the bounce socks that treats varicosity mixed in large hospital only is ability of big chemist's shop bought?

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我的公寓位于六楼,这使我能看见下面整个庭院花园,里面生长着种类繁多的花草。My apartment the sixth floor, which view the whole courtyard garden below, where a vast varicosity of plants grow.

囊肿、脓肿、膝关节滑膜炎、下肢静脉曲张性湿疹均为体表囊性或瘀积性疾病。Cyst, abscess, knee joint synovitis, and lower limb varicosity eczema are all body surface pouch or stasis disease.

中国人2000多年前就认识到了了“国虽大,好战必亡”的真理。The Chinese recognized as early as 2,000 years ago that though a country is now strong, varicosity will lead to its ruling.

长时间上网,你可能会感到头晕、手指僵硬、腰背酸痛,甚至出现下肢水肿、静脉曲张。Get online for long, you may feel dizziness, hand shows inflexible, waist carries ache on the back, give now limb oedema, varicosity even.

可直接影响胃、食道静脉的血流,易惹起胃底、食道静脉曲张和决裂出血。Three, can directly effect the stomach, esophagus venous blood flow, easy to make up the stomach, esophagus varicosity and rupture bleeding.

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作者用伊索显-300对20例患肢水肿及肢体静脉曲张患者作间接淋巴造影。Using indirect lymphography by subepidermal infusion of Isovist-300, the authors examined 20 patients with varicosity or edema of the limbs.

本文介绍了一种能治疗下肢静脉曲张新型气动式按摩仪的设计原理和方法及其在临床方面的应用。This paper introduces the theory and the method to design a new type of pneumatic massage device treating lower limb varicosity and its clinical application.

医生讲我小腿静脉曲张,静脉曲张是怎么回事?有什么简单的方法根治吗?年龄与这个病有关吗?。The doctor tells my crus varicosity , how is varicosity to return a responsibility? The method with simple what effects a radical cure? Is the age and this disease concerned?

方法对近5年来收治的大隐静脉曲张患者180例,分别采用新型微创剥脱器,传统金属剥脱器,血管腔内激光或射频治疗,每组60例。Methods During the past 5 years, 180 cases of saphenous vein varicosity were treated by new stripper, traditional stripper, laser or radio-frequency respectively each group had 60 cases.

目的分析食管静脉曲张破裂出血治疗后近期内再出血的主要原因,以提高内镜下硬化治疗的成功率。Objective To analyze the causation of short-term re hemorrhage after the ossifying therapy to esophagus varicosity burst hemorrhage, increase the curability of ossifying therapy with endoscopes.