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它可能用于治疗皮肤丝状菌感染。It may be used in treatment of dermatophytosis.

如足底癣好转后要更新袜子,效果更佳。It is more effective to thoroughly change socks after cured dermatophytosis.

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因此,水疱型、鳞屑型脚气,厚皮裂口是较难解决的。As a result, the blain and squama type of dermatophytosis is very difficult to be cured.

目的探讨不同影响因素对武警战士皮肤真菌感染过程影响。Objective to investigate the factors influencing the development of dermatophytosis in soldiers.

本文分析了230例老年皮肤霉菌病的临床与病原。A clinical and etiological analysis of 230 cases of dermatophytosis was carried out in old people.

本文报告102例局部激素制剂引起的皮肤霉菌感染扩散的病例。This article reported 102 cases of dermatophytosis disseminated due to improper topical corticosteroid treatment.

目的研究蟹黄肤宁软膏外敷给药的抗炎、止痒、治癣等作用。Objective To study the effects of Xiehuang Funing Ointment on anti-inflammation, anti-itch and anti- dermatophytosis.

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并讨论了激素制剂局部应用的指针、禁忌症、副作用以及皮肤霉菌感染的治疗。The indication, contraindication, side-effect of topical corticosteroids as well as the correct treatment of dermatophytosis have also been discussed.

由于皮肤癣菌的传染性比较强,可传播到周围的皮肤和指甲,故大约三分之一的足癣患者伴随有继发感染,引起体癣、股癣或“灰指甲”。Because of the infectivity, the dermatophytosis fungi can spread to skin and nail, so one third of the patients accompanied by the body ringworm, leg ringworm, or gray nails.

以竹炭为填铺而成的鞋垫能充分发挥竹炭的优良特性,达到保健作用。长期使用,能抗菌、除臭、防潮、预防脚气。Bamboo charcoal shoe pad is one kind of health care product, long-term using charcoal shoe pad will help user on antivirus, odor elimination, moisture absorption and dermatophytosis prevention.