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机器外客的刚度。The stiffness of machinery casing support.

你有颈项痛或颈项强直吗?Do you have pain or stiffness in your neck?

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你的颈部痛呢还是僵硬?Do you have pain or stiffness on your neck?

并测试STB钉板系统的轴向刚度。Axial stiffness of STB system was also measured.

这种僵硬导致步伐的扭曲。This stiffness leads to crookedness in the paces.

在受弯部分增加加强筋或者撑板提高受弯部分的刚度。Use ribs or gussets to improve part stiffness in bending.

LRDCIN的弯曲刚度较相同钉体直径GK钉高。The bending stiffness of LRDCIN is higher than GK nailing.

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并照着真实的翅膀进行了刚度系数上的仿生。That emulated the stiffness distribution of an actual wing.

一个出色的扭转刚度的基础单元分数与。The base unit scores with an excellent torsional stiffness.

刚度测量中模拟脊椎物理治疗。Measurement of stiffness during simulated spinal physiotherapy.

调压范围主要与调压弹簧的刚度有关。Regulator and the regulator mainly the stiffness of the spring.

高硬度和可重复性特点滚珠丝杠驱动器。High stiffness and repeatability characterize the ball screw drive.

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在刚柔性和透气性方面两者不相上下。The stiffness and air permeability of the two fabrics are similary.

结果表明,刚架结构的强度和刚度是足够的。The results show that the stress intensity and stiffness are enough.

间歇性全身关节疼痛,僵硬或肿胀。Transient reoccurring generalized joint pains, stiffness or swelling.

四秩张量包含柔量常数和刚度常数。The fourth -rank tensors contain the compliance and stiffness constants.

采用有足够强度和钢度的铁丝或不锈钢丝。Use have enough intensity and stiffness of wire or stainless steel wire.

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拉伸强度和硬度随外壳厚度比增加而增加。Tensile strength and stiffness increase as skin thickness ratio increases.

擦剂一种药用液体,擦进皮肤以减痛或减轻僵硬。A medicinal fluid rubbed into the skin to soothe pain or relieve stiffness.

一个高效的预条件子是来自多重网格刚度矩阵。An efficient preconditioner is derived from the multigrid stiffness matrix.