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我们有保护未成年女子的安全网络。These are the safety net to protect underage girls.

他被判定与一名未成年少女发生非法性行为。He was convicted of having unlawful sex with an underage girl.

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但要记住,不要指望法律去制止未成年人喝酒。But remember, don’t expect legislation to stop underage drinking.

这个老鸨因其手下有未成年少女而被捕。The madam was arrested for having underage girls working for her.

那你们是否担心过那些未成年的女孩子们想要饮用这款酒呢?Has there been anyworry that underage girls will want to drink it?

用人单位应当对未成年工定期进行健康检查。An employer shall give regular health check-ups to underage workers.

未满岁数就喝酒是违法的,但这却是大学生活中一个很平常的组成部分。Underage drinking is a crime but also a common part of college social life.

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目睹女同性恋行为的未成年人让我想跳下屋顶了。Witnessing underage acts of lesbianism make me want to jump off a roof too.

未向当地劳动部门登记招用未成年工情况。Without register to the local labor department that using the underage labor.

亲权包括对未成年的子女身份上和财产上的权利义务。Parental power includes a lot of rights and obligations for underage children.

他的未成年级比赛的进球纪录是令人惊奇的35场首发20个进球。He's underage national scoring record was an impressive 20 goals from 35 starts.

现在我们有机会感受一下杰克逊和他的那些夜不归宿的孩子们是玩得如何开心。Now we have a chance to see what fun Jackson's underage sleepover buddies were having.

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中国实行男女同工同酬,劳动妇女享有特殊劳动保护和劳动保险的权利。The State shall exercise special labour protection to women workers and underage workers.

年龄限制指禁止未满特定年龄的人士进入赌场,较常见为18岁与21岁。This refers to rejecting the underage from entering casinos. It is commonly set at 18 or 21.

阿尔瓦说,他每周会去施工现场好几次,他知道那里没有童工。Mr. Alva says he visited the site several times a week and knew there were no underage workers.

不同意未成年喝酒的孩子们的父母,他们在大学的时候是不太喝酒的。The children of parents who disapprove of underage drinking drink less when they're in college.

政府因此担心酗酒,尤其是未成年人饮酒已成爆发之势。Government so worried about alcohol, especially underage drinking has become a potential outbreak.

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“只要我还活着,”她大声地宣布,“我决不让这一带的未成年女孩嫁人!”“As long as I live,” she shout-announces, “no underage girl is ever getting married in this district!”

但因为有着很高的未成年人怀孕率,英国无疑是很有吸引力的市场。But the UK is certainly a very attractive market sincethere is a very high rate of underage conception.

亲权是民法中身份权的一种,它以保护未成年子女的利益为其唯一目的。Parental power is one of the rights of identity, the only aim of which is to protect underage children.