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不能如此傲慢地对待盟友。Allies can be treated so cavalierly.

但不应该这样随便做。But it ought not be done cavalierly.

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因此,千万别目空一切地拒绝一份看似低薪的工作。Therefore, don't cavalierly refused a seemingly low salary job.

她和她受欢迎的铁三角朋友们娇嗔傲慢,肆意地对待低年级的学生如粪土一样。She and her popular troika of friends cavalierly treat the lesser students like dirt because they can.

那些被简慢地一起归为新兴市场的国家们各自有着非常不同的政权。Countries that are cavalierly lumped together as emerging markets have very different political regimes.

时至今日,人们乘坐飞机能轻易的飞越大西洋,轻慢地对待这宏大的水体如“池塘”。Today, people easily cross the Atlantic Ocean by plane and cavalierly refer to the great body of water as "the pond."

就在上周,我武断地将他们的战绩归为侥幸,并预测他们将在困难重重的西区竞争中掉出季后赛行列。It was just last week I so cavalierly wrote them off as a fluke and the likely team to slip out of the playoff picture in the rugged Western Conference.

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他们不会傲慢地轻浮地对待他们的工作,他们的思维连贯,即使一张纸巾都能让他们作出判断。They did not do it cavalierly , and they did not do it frivolously, and they believe they had a connective logic, and a tissue to get them to their judgments.

我们推翻了萨达姆•侯赛因的伊拉克政权,然后傲慢的拆散了整个伊拉克政府机构,还以为我们可以简单轻松的就此建立起一个新的政权。We overthrew Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq, and then cavalierly dismantled the entire structure of the Iraqi state, sure that we could simply set up a new one.

这部电影傲慢地讲述了核战争,并展示了一位美国总统做出让纳粹物理学家做他的科学顾问的可怕判断。The movie talks about nuclear war very cavalierly and shows an American president utilizing the horrible judgment of making a Nazi physicist his scientific advisor.

竞选活动把「新方向」奉为进步的同义词,守旧作风绝少获得回报,且议会或总统所颁布的命令,继任者会傲慢地废止。Election campaigns use "a new direction" as a synonym for improvement. Persistence is rarely rewarded, and what one legislature or president decrees, a successor cavalierly repeals.