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传送技术是电信网发展的关键技术之一。Transport technology is a key of telecommunication networks.

我的表是按电讯大楼的钟对的。I set my watch by the clock on the telecommunication building.

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为何说电信是生产力的倍增器?Why to say telecommunication is the multiplier of productivity?

这城市能提供良好的邮电通信服务吗?Can the city provide good postal and telecommunication services?

电信运营业已经进入了资本竞争时代。Capital competition era is coming in telecommunication industry.

您是来自邮电部的史密斯先生。So you are Mr. Smith from the Post and Telecommunication Ministry.

电信充值卡能充Q币么?Can the telecommunication rechargeable prepaid card charge Q currency?

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但他没有明确表示电信重组何时开始。But he did not state telecommunication recombines when to begin clearly.

该系统在吉化通信公司试运行取得了良好的效果。Now, the system runs well at JiHua telecommunication company during test.

我们也会着眼数字电视和通讯业的机遇。We are also eyeing opportunities in digital TV and telecommunication sectors.

在电讯网络中,两端分开指的是两个尖端分开的连接器。Bifurcated, in a telecommunication network, refers to a two-pronged connector.

建立对告警数据库进行知识发现的数据挖掘系统模型。Datamining System Model for telecommunication alarm database is also presented.

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显然,基础通信网络工程建设也不能例外。Obviously, basic telecommunication network project construction are no exception.

电信号码使用费之收费基准,由电信总局订定之。The criteria of telecommunication numbers usage fees shall be enacted by the DGT.

电信技术的发展与人们的生活息息相关。The development of telecommunication technologies is closely related to our life.

深圳严查电信邮政资费猫腻。Shenzhen investigates rigorously the fees trick of telecommunication postal service.

有在中国邮电局进行电信服务的经验。Telecommunication services experience with China Post and Telecommunication Bureaus.

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先进的通信计算机架构ATCA一直以来都被看作未来的电信架构标准。ATCA has being regarded as the standard of the future telecommunication architecture.

武装分子同时也向一辆载着电信员工去上班的中巴车开了枪。Militants also opened fire on a minibus carrying telecommunication employees to work.

电信重组是一种趋势,但现在还没有收到文件。Telecommunication recombines is a kind of trend, but had not obtained a document now.