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你是说偷溜进去吗?You mean sneak in?

你必须把我们偷偷带进去。You must sneak us in.

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我们赶快去一睹为快吧。Let's take a sneak peek.

我们可以偷偷的溜过去。We can sneak right past them.

从盒子里偷拿一块巧克力。Sneak a chocolate from the box.

这是我们偷溜,最好的机会。It's our best chance to sneak out.

你是说想办法潜行过去?You mean sneak past them somehow ?

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你是怎么溜出会场的?How did you sneak out of the meeting?

通过这区域消声是必须的.Sneak is needed throughout this area.

不管怎样,我可以偷偷地去参加聚会。I could sneak out to the party anyway.

有些人总是不鸣则已一鸣惊人。The quiet ones always sneak up on you.

我想我们最好从这儿溜出去。I guess we better sneak you out of here.

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她是伽玛连最好的潜伏者。She was the best sneak in Gamma Company.

我看天黑后能否让他偷偷地溜进去。I'll see if I can sneak him in after dark.

不然你觉得我们为什么得偷偷溜进女士厕所?Why do you think we sneak into the Ladies?

你可以潜行进入,或者直接冲进去。You could sneak in stealthy, or charge in.

我找到了悄悄离开会场的方法。I've found a way to sneak out of the meting.

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我必须偷溜进屋子里才能拿到相机。I had to sneak in the house to get my camera.

蔻菈传奇即将在2011动漫展上撩开面纱!Legend of Korra Sneak Peak at Comic-Con 2011!

他必须克制住想偷偷地溜出去的冲动。He had to fight down the impulse to sneak out.