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我是一个不会再回到故乡去的人了。I'm the one who would never go homebound any more.

为病人或者生病在家的邻居照顾宠物。Offer to take care of a pet for an ill or homebound neighbor.

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几年前,母亲患中风再也不能出门。A few years ago, my mother had a stroke that left her homebound.

在接下来的两年中,她几乎一直呆在家里并且无所事事。During the next two years she was mostly homebound and nonfunctional.

罢官闲居三十余载,以诗丈自娱。Dismissal homebound three more than ten years of poetry husband amused.

家庭看护专业学习如何给闲居家中的病人提供日常护理和帮助。Home health aide majors learn how to provide routine care and aid to homebound patients.

看瓯江帆影、乘竹筏漂流、听渔舟唱晚,别有一番风味。Ou see Jiang Fan Ying, by bamboo rafting, listen to the Homebound Fishermen, do not have a flavor.

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研究者再根据上述结果,针对在家教育执行现况与未来研究方向提出具体可行之建议。Based on the above findings, several suggestions were made for the homebound education and future research.

拥有社会工作硕士学位的Orsini,开始接收来自居家老人的请求。Orsini, who has a master's degree in social work, started receiving requests from older people who were homebound.

而且,老是蜗在家中的的老年人,他们患上认知缺陷的风险也更大,认知能力下降的速度也更高。The homebound folks also had an increased risk of other cognitive impairments and a faster rate of cognitive decline.

在膳食救济中心帮忙,探望被困家中的人,教导囚犯,甚至开一张支票,都能产生果效。Serving in a soup kitchen, visiting someone who's homebound , discipling a prisoner—even writing a check can make a difference.

陈龙正在闲居或退职居乡时对于嘉善的慈善事业有着很高的建树,直接而有效地拯救了众多处于困境中的人。Chen makes a great achievement in Jiashan when he is homebound or retirement, he saved a large number of people in distress directly and effectively.

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目的评价护理干预对减轻居家痴呆患者照顾者抑郁、焦虑情绪的效果,为居家痴呆患者及其照顾者的社区护理干预提供依据。Objective To evaluate the effects of a one-year nursing intervention on depression and anxiety in family caregivers of homebound patients with dementia.

江西人力局局长王建龙承认民工的返乡潮解决缓解了本省94家工业园的人才饥渴。In Jiangxi, Wan Jiannong, head of the labor bureau, claimed the " homebound rush" helpful to ease the labor drought in the province's 94 industrial parks.

大部分的年长者仍与孩子们同住,让我们在祷告中纪念国内对于影音圣经光碟与录音的大量需求,祝福它们成为年长者认识福音最好的媒介。Let us pray for all the churches who have special ministries reaching out to the homebound. A great need is for audio Bibles and devotional recordings for those who are not able to read well.