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有个仁兄熟练地拉着这种二弦乐器。One man deftly plays the two- stringed instrument.

她灵巧地把裤筒卷了几下,这样我就能站起来了。She deftly rolled the hems a few times so I could stand.

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这一下终于让他发现了她的兴趣所在,于是他熟练地继续…At last he had a clew to her interest, and followed it deftly.

他风趣简短的回答机灵的闪避了不想正面回覆的问题?His witty one-line responses deftly fending off unwanted questions?

他正象一只困兽,给猎人猎狗追得紧紧的。He was not unlike a hurried animal, deftly pursued by hunter and hound.

老布什灵巧地处理苏联的解体。The first President George Bush deftly managed the Soviet Union's dissolution.

随即比赛中止,瑞典教练麻利地帮助他换了一个备胎。Competes immediately stops, Sweden coach helped him to trade a spare tire deftly.

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然后,他拆开了排气口的防护栅栏,爬了进去。When it passes, he deftly removes the vent’s protective grating and crawls inside.

如果不巧妙处理,这样的题材可能会落入很多固定套数。Less deftly handled, the treatment of such a subject could have fallen into a number of traps.

有人一把抓住我的两只手并用手铐铐住了我的手腕,同时我被其熟练地搜着身。Someone grabbed my hands and handcuffs were clasped onto my wrists while I was deftly searched.

发布会结束部分的晚装聪明的避开了红毯着装的明亮和闪耀。They closed a show where the evening wear had moved deftly away from red carpet shine and glitter.

普京确实致力于将财富分散,所以人们觉得有盼头。But Putin has deftly managed the windfall and spread the wealth enough so that people feel hopeful.

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但珀拉克巧妙的把这些结合在一起,一路娓娓道来其中的学问和智慧。But Mr Pollack binds the strands together deftly and imparts a good deal of learning and wisdom along the way.

在与葡萄牙队比赛的第69分钟,中场队员朴智星巧妙地踢进一球。In the 69th minute of the match, midfielder Park Ji Sung deftly executed one of the prettiest strikes of the Cup.

用你的时间管理技能根据害病的客户的要求提供高品质的要务。Use your time management skills to manufacture high quality medicine on demand and deftly serve ailing customers.

第79分钟,谢彩霞轻松摆脱对方一名后卫的封堵,近距离冷静低射破门,为中国队又进一球。Xie added another in the 79th minute, deftly outdribbling a defender and launching a left-footed shot from close range.

他尽情地聆听,点点头,露出微笑,接着那女人轻巧地推着他的轮椅穿过人群,走出墓地。He listens his fill, nods, and smiles, then the woman deftly wheels his chair through the crowd and out of the mausoleum.

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约翰住在一只翻扣在沙滩上的船里,迈克尔住在一个印第安人的皮棚里,温迪住在一间用树叶巧妙地缝成的屋子里。John lived in a boat turned upside down on the sands, Michael in a wigwam, Wendy in a house of leaves deftly sewn together.

我不知道的是,贺博士竟能灵活的挖掘,在清零和转变过程中,隐藏的记忆和论断。Little did I know that Dr. Hew Len was deftly exhuming these hidden memories and judgments for cleaning and transformation.

吉尔先生将他在打字时所付出的努力巧妙地写进了这个没有大写字母和省略号的文本里。Mr. Gilb’s struggles with his own keyboard are deftly woven into the text, which contains no capital letters or apostrophes.