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吹水!Blow water.

吹泡泡。Blow bubbles.

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哦,不小的打击。Ooh low blow.

这是一个打击。This was a blow.

藏风吹之。Hide wind to blow.

袮系咪吹水啊?Do you blow water ?

让我们到户外吹吹风。Let's go for a blow.

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那一击把我打昏了。The blow stunned me.

这是一个真正的打击。This is a real blow.

他对我的强击进行还击。He countered my blow.

想吹泡泡吗?。Want to blow bubbles.

吹灯插烛炬。Blow Light Pull Candle.

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我要轰掉你的头!I'll blow your head off!

风一吹就会坍塌?One blow from caving in?

她狠狠地打了他一拳。She hit him a hard blow.

擤擤鼻涕吧,女儿。Blow your nose, daughter.

不要对着我吹泡泡。Don't blow bubbles at me.

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这打击使她的腿青肿。The blow bruised her leg.

就让往事如烟。Blow away the past as ash.

没有要早早明出底牌。Don't Blow Your Wad Early.