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他暗示灵知仅仅是惯常知识的另一种形式。He suggests that gnosis is just another form of ordinary knowledge.

法师可以同时持有的已准备法术数量等于他的灵知。A mage can hold a number of prepared spells simultaneously equal to his Gnosis.

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幸福在生活中无处不在,只要你有一颗感悟幸福的心,就能体会到幸。In our world, weal ubiquity, if you have a gnosis heart, you can experience weal.

幸福在生活中无处不在,只要你有一颗感悟幸福的心,就能体会到幸。In our world, weal ubiquity, if you have a gnosis heart, you can experience happiness.

对沃格林关于灵知主义的界定加以拆解会告诉我们为什么它是如此彻底的具有误导性。Unpacking Voegelin's characterization of gnosis will show why it is so thoroughly misleading.

难道所有的这些论述都没有无视灵知是内在之灵的启示以及与神圣的同一么?And does not all of this disregard gnosis as inner spiritual revelation and union with the divine?

但是“灵知主义者”想要追求关于上帝的知识,或者换一种说法,超越主体与客体之间的界限。But "gnosis" refers to knowledge of God or, to put it another way, transcendence of the subject-object division.

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“灵知”在此处被描述为“隔绝”,但是在这之前沃格林承认它意味着“自由”、与“拯救”。Gnosis here is described as being "shut off, " when earlier Voegelin admitted that it meant "freedom" and "salvation."

通过了解影界世界,他们探寻那些大秘密、大对神秘世界的了解、进灵知的力量。By studying the realms of the Umbra, they learn to understand great secrets, increasing their mystical understanding or Gnosis.

提出加强产前检查和诊断是降低围产期死胎的重要措施。We suggest that to strengthen the antenatal care and dia- gnosis be art important measure to reduce the rate of perinatal fetal death.

学问“这个词就是,这位作者在攻击,那些四次吹嘘似是而非的学问的人。Gnosis Gnosis is the word for knowledge here, and this guy is attacking people who are going around boasting about falsely called knowledge.

三是启迪学生立志做实践“三个代表”的一代新人,从真知走向真行。Thirdly, students should be inspired to be a generation with new personality carrying out Three Represents and step from gnosis to practice.

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较大量的弱酸吞食仍会导致胃及食道之粘膜溃疡性伤害,出现临床症状,不过其预后仍然良好,不像强碱或强碱那样会造成非常严重之腐蚀性伤害。The pro gnosis for weak acid injury to the upper digestive tract is good although large amounts can still cause ulcerative injury to the mucosa.

但是,西蒙的诺斯替主义本质上保留着犹太教和一神论的元素,诺斯替的盘绕也映射在新旧的后期部分。But Simon's gnosis remained essentially Jewish and monotheistic, as did that of the Gnostic circles to which later parts of the New Testament allude.

我并没有想透这些概念和相互的关系,但愿今后的岁月,能让我有进一步的领会和感悟。I don't think that I have thought these concepts and their mutual relations clear thoroughly. I wish in the years ahead that I am able to get further understand and gnosis.

尽管如此我们还是发现埃里克·沃格林和他的追随者们喋喋不休的宣称“灵知主义者”是现代极权主义的起源。Yet one still finds anachronistic and peculiar accounts of "Gnosticism" by Eric Voegelin and his followers that routinely claim "gnosis" as the origin of modern totalitarianism.

结论急性白血病较高的端粒酶活性与临床病情演变相关,分析白血病细胞端粒酶活性,对白血病临床诊断和治疗具有一定意义。Conclusions The acute leukemias have high telomerase activity, which related to clinical course. The test of telomerase can be used to diagnose and predict pro gnosis of leukemias.

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既然“知识”预设了主体知道客体,那么灵知最好被描述为独立的意识与神圣的启示之内在联合的实现。While "knowledge" presupposes a subject knowing an object, gnosis may be best characterized as the realization of inner union between individual consciousness and divine revelation.