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他的作品受到了好评。His works were well spoken.

我们在电话上交谈过。We have spoken on the phone.

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他已把心里话对我说了。He has spoken his mind to me.

一字不差,字字为实。A truer word was never spoken.

我说的时间已经够长了。But I have spoken long enough.

你曾讲过这样的话吗?Have you ever spoken like that?

一言既出,驷马难追。听说日记十。A word spoken is past recalling.

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他说上帝和他说过话。God, he said, had spoken to him.

随便说说的话是不会被记住的。A word spoken cannot be recalled.

我一生都在讲英语。I"ve spoken Engligh all my life."

一言既出,如箭射出。A word spoken is an arrow let fly.

你和塔特尔先生谈过了么?Have you spoken to Mr. Tuttle yet?

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威尔士语是威尔士地区使用的母语。Welsh is spoken natively in Wales.

丁梅斯代尔先生当真说出声了吗?Had Mr. Dimmesdale actually spoken?

他讨厌被说坏话。He objected to being spoken ill of.

我该怎样才能提高口语水准?How can I improve my spoken English?

但英语口语就完全不同了。But spoken English is another matter.

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这是耶和华亲口说的。For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.

难道我今天所讲的不都是么?Have I spoken this day of aught else?

他需要别人轻轻地对他讲话才行。They only want to be spoken to gently.