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没什么可是,从今天起不准在见那个混混了。Nothing important BE, have disallowed since today at see that bludger.

我很庆幸还好我选择了天俊,而你却自甘堕落的跟了个女混混。I am so lucky to choose andrew, but you, abandon yourself to be with a woman bludger.

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以后看好自己的孩子,看到那个混混就赶快把门给堵上。Hereafter see own very of kid, see that bludger guard a gate in a little while to block up up.

因为眼睛没有一直注意看金色飞贼,他在训练中被游走球额外多撞伤了几次。He had received several more Bludger injuries during practice because he had not been keeping his eyes on the Snitch.

“没。”哈利现在感到非常迷惑。那双绿色的眼睛看着斯内普的样子就好像被流浪汉打了一样。No, " Harry was very confused now, and the green eyes were giving Snape the look of someone who'd been hit by a bludger ."

少年李三为保护青梅竹马的东方玉,一刀砍死了城中有名的混混楚天九。Young lee three to protect childhood sweetheart Oriental jade, a famous bludger ChuTianJiu knife chop down dead in the city.

混混地痞流氓,那是国家栋梁。学士硕士博士,当你装腔作势。Bludger ground Pi rascal, that be the nation pillars. The bachelor's degree Master's Doctor be you to assume air of importance.

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请你别随便说出这个字,你因为被我抛弃,而勾搭上了一个不知道从哪里来的女混混,还跑回来破坏我的婚礼。Do not say this character so easy. Just because of my discarding you, you gang up with a bludger without know where she is from to break my wedding.

该游手好闲鲹了浅礁上的单位是令人难以置信的乐趣光处理,我们也开始做一些轻小的金属夹具跳汰。The bludger trevally up on the shallow reef flats were incredible fun on light tackle, and we also started to do some light jigging with small metal jigs.

影片表现的是一个街头混混变成一代武术家的故事,一个本性善良的黑帮流氓改邪归正的故事。What film expresses is the story that a street bludger becomes a generation martial arts house, a man"s natural character docile of black repents for rascal of story."

一看到楼主的气势,我就觉得楼主同在社区里灌水的那帮小混混有着本质的差别!At the sight of the vehemence of building lord, I feel that the building is together main to infuse water in the community of that has hypostatic difference for small bludger !

一看到楼主的气势,我就觉得楼主同在社区里灌水的那帮小混混有着本质的差别!At the sight of the vehemence of the building lord, I feel that the building lord infuses the water in the community together of that has the hypostatic difference for small bludger !