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属于或关于古典主义的。Of or relating to classicism.

坚持古典主义的艺术家。An artistic person who adheres to classicism.

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梁实秋的古典主义文学理论自成体系。Liang Shiqiu' s theory of classicism is systematic.

安格尔和德拉克洛瓦是古典主义画派的两个著名倡导者。Ingres and delacroix were two famous exponents of classicism.

大床、衣橱、甚至沙发,全是欧式古典风格。Big bed, almirah , even sofa, it is Oushi classicism completely.

舒柏特生活在古典主义和浪漫主义的交接时期。Shu Bote living in classicism and romanticism of the transition period.

审美快感在德国艺术的古典主义时期具有很高声誉。Aesthetic delight has the very high prestige in the German art classicism time.

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为何艺术家要从文艺复兴的古典主义转到矫饰主义上来?Why do you think artists would change from renaissance classicism to mannerism?

门德尔松钢琴音乐风格特性表现之二——音乐语言的明晰性。The duality of classicism and romanticism-a peculiarity of Mendelssohn's piano music.

为了这位未来有朝一日可能成为王后的现代新娘,萨拉•伯顿将新时代的元素引入古典的涓流之中。Sarah Burton channeled a new take on classicism for a modern-day bride who will one day be queen.

新古典主义也接受了一些民歌音乐来增加音乐中的节奏性以及和声变异性。Neo- classicism also embraced the use of folk musics to give greater rhythmic and harmonic variety.

他在文学创作上遵循古典主义原则,善用“英雄双韵体”,且技巧圆熟,几臻完美,令人叹为观止。He follows the classicism principle, using "heroic couplets" while writing and becomes a master of it.

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换言之,有这样一个“浪漫主义运动”的事情,古典主义只是它的一个方面。In other words, there is such a thing as a "Romantic Movement, " and classicism is only an aspect of it.

白色的色调与新古典风格的混搭,让这里显出突出而醒目的清新、干净。Of white tonal with new classicism mix build, let here show outstanding and marked pure and fresh, clean.

他率领的文学运动开始了西方文学从古典到现代的转变过程。The literature movement he led initiated the transformation of western literature from classicism to modernism.

对于伽达默尔来说古典主义,或者传统,最伟大之处是这是我们可以分享的。The great thing about classicism for Gadamer, or what he calls "tradition," is that it's something we can share.

其他对比还包括如地毯是现代的设计图案,而咖啡桌却是传统古典风格。If carpet is modern blueprint record, other contrast still includes, and coffee table is traditional classicism however.

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客厅的茶几、电视柜是中式新古典风格,以黑红两色为主。Ark of the tea table of the sitting room, TV is Chinese style new classicism , with Hei Gong dichromatic give priority to.

另外,欧式风格的家具文化内涵十分丰富,适合的装修风格是欧式古典风格的装修。Additional, the furniture culture connotation of Europe type style is very rich, suit decorate the style is Oushi classicism.

杰尔查文是俄国第一个真正的诗人,其诗歌超越了此前俄国古典主义的对现实生活所取的排斥态度。Jerchavin was the really Erst Russian poet, whose poems transcend previous Russian classicism and reject the reality of life.