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第二,不要做负债者。Second, don't be a borrower.

保单质押贷款的借款人应为投保人。The borrower should be the policy-holder.

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放债的比借债记性好。The lender has a better memory than the borrower.

第二百零五条借款人应当按照约定的期限支付利息。The borrower shall pay the interest at the prescribed time.

图书和借书者的编号编到了条形码标记上。Book and borrower numbers are encoded on to bar-coded labels.

借款人须于每一付息日当日付息。The borrower shall pay interest on each interest payment day.

这些都是在较长的任期应计利息的借款。These are longer in term and accrued interest for the borrower.

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两边赞成,此金额是告贷人所负债务地第一步。The parties agree that this sum is a debt owed by Borrower to Lender.

因疏忽引起的任何损坏都应由借用者负责赔偿。Any damage resulting from negligence must be paid for by the borrower.

死神不会依附借去死亡笔记的人。The borrower of the DEATH NOTE will not be followed by a god of death.

第二百零五条借款人应当按照约定的期限支付利息。Article 205 The borrower shall pay the interest at the prescribed time.

因疏忽引起的任何损坏都应由借用者负责赔偿。Any damage resulting since negligence have to be paid to by the borrower.

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富户管辖穷人,欠债的是债主的仆人。The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

第二百零六条借款人应当按照约定的期限返还借款。Article 206 The borrower shall repay the principal at the prescribed time.

好吧,但是为了整个经济着想,一个借款人总比一个贷款人要好。Fine, but for the sake of the economy, better a borrower than a lender be.

如果一个全球信任度最高的借款者赖账将会有怎样的后果和影响呢?What happens if the world’s most trustworthy borrower reneges on its debt?

相应地,它也是借入方现在就占有资源所需要付出的代价的一个量度。Correspondingly, it measures the price a borrower pays to have resources now.

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告贷人应付出给贷款方在25日地每个月。The Borrower shall make payments to the Lender on the 25th day of each month.

第二百零五条借款人应当按照约定的期限支付利息。Article 205 The borrower shall pay the interest within the contracted time limit.

如此一来,借款方和援助方都有理由期待这笔交易能够成功。That way, both borrower and lender would have a stake in seeing the deal succeed.