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他们正在收割一片麦田。They are reaping a field of wheat.

现在你是自食恶果。You are now reaping the consequences.

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你知道播种与收获的道理吗?Do you know the law of sowing and reaping?

由于缺少镰刀,他们在徒手收割庄稼。Being short of sickles, they are reaping by hand.

农民们忙著在田里割稻。The farmer is busy reaping the rice in the field.

农民们忙着在田里割稻。The farmers were busy reaping the rice in the field.

为此,研制了ND-1.2型低割茬茎秆收割机以解决此类问题。ND-1.2 low stubble haulm reaping machine can solve the problem.

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茬口毛茸茸的,一看就知道是钝口的镰刀收割的。Stubble side was brushy , that resulted from blunt sickle's reaping.

有一个宇宙的法则称为播种和收获原则。There is a universal law called the principle of sowing and reaping.

显然,我们正面临第二次世界大战后那段浪漫旋风的后果。We are obviously reaping the whirlwind of post-World War II romance.

目前这种不劳而获的制度应当立即废止。The present system of reaping without sowing should cease immediately.

谷歌希望通过免费软件从搜索广告方面获利。Google gives away its software in hopes of reaping profits from search advertising.

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皮克说,锻炼一定会有好处,什么时候开始都不会太早或太晚。Peeke says it is never too early or too late to start reaping the benefits of exercise.

他也相信他在伦敦警察厅受到的训练有益于“出生地怀疑运动”。He also believes his training in Scotland Yard is now reaping benefits for the Birthers.

这些公司在衰退之时从疑虑重重的投资人手中得到回报,打败了相对不可靠的对手。These companies are reaping rewards from investors who are skittish about shakier rivals.

我们正在品尝过度相信的苦果,遭受着毫无凶兆的苦难。We are reaping the consequences of an excess of confidence, suffering for lack of a Cassandra.

想要快乐并收获快乐所带来的回报并不意味着采取“盲目乐观”的态度。Being happy and reaping the rewards of happiness does not mean adopting a " Pollyanna " attitude.

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全球的农民在理论上会从劳动中取得惊人的回报。Farmers throughout the world should, in theory, be reaping startlingly good returns on their labour.

本文对油菜机收试验进行了阐述,分析了油菜机收的社会效益与经济效益。This paper elaborates the test of reaping cole by machine . Analyses the economic and social benefit.

根据这一经验法则,您应该畅通无阻地获取模板系统的好处。Follow this rule of thumb, and you should have no trouble reaping the benefits of this templating system.