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利用复制修改器所准备好的模型。Ready model with the help of Clone Modifier.

下面是添加了约束修饰符的示例。Here is our example with the constraint modifier added.

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然后我使用放样修改器,并打开里扭曲选项。Then I applied Loft modifier and turned on Twist in Loft.

选择一个类型和状态,并指定它是否是修饰词。Select a type and status, and indicate if it’s a modifier.

我会圈出用错的修饰语,等他们自己修改。I circle a misplaced modifier and wait as they make the fix.

现在,放低婴儿手指的修饰你可以找到首。Now, put your baby finger on the first modifier you can find.

关掉沿镜向切割功能的镜像修改器。Symmetry modifier with turned off "Slice Along Mirror" option.

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大于490℃的馏分可作为沥青改性剂。The distillates more than 490 ℃ can be used as asphalt modifier.

内部的传动机构是用样条线配合倒角修改器做出来的。The inner gears have been made with splines and a bevel modifier.

呃,你有最高的魅力调整值。好吧,试试看。Well, you do have the highest Charisma modifier. OK, give it a shot.

给新创建的曲线添加挤压修改器以创建墙壁。Apply Extrude modifier to the newly created spline to model the wall.

在这个类中关键字def被作为局部变量修饰符使用。In this class the keyword def is being used as a local variable modifier.

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施法者的法术辨识技能等级对于施展传奇法术至关重要。The caster's Spellcraft skill modifier is vital for casting an epic spell.

匹配修饰符号,如抑扬音、抑音符号和长音符号。Matches modifier symbols such as circumflex accent grave accent and macron.

目前生产上所要用的变质剂主要是钠盐和锶。At present, sodium salt and strontium are commonly used modifier in practice.

组合键必须由零或多个组合键和一个单键组成。Key combinations must consist of zero or more modifier keys and a single key.

琳达的人物,摩艮•雪诺是个没有ECL调整值的6级战士。Linda's character, Morgan Snow is a 6th Level Man-at-arms with no ECL Modifier.

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采用改性剂DT对棉织物进行阳离子改性处理,然后用天然虫胶染料对其进行染色试验。Cotton fabric is cationised by the modifier DT and dyed with the natural Lac dye.

SEAM是一种新型的沥青改性剂,同时也是一种沥青混合料添加剂。SEAM is a new-type asphalt modifier and also an additive used in asphalt mixture.

铜绿假单胞菌菌苗是一种新型的细菌性免疫调节剂。Vaccine of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain is a new kind bacterial immune modifier.