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相似的语音之间可能有两种关系。Phonetically similar sounds might be related in two ways.

在抄收很困难时,我们可以要求对方重复慢一些,例如。Would you please say your callsign again slowly and phonetically?

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我被汉字的大海完全淹没了,它们看起来很有趣,可是完全不给什么发音线索。I was awash in a sea of characters that were all visually interesting but phonetically mute.

我们中的许多人找到英文拼写法很难掌握,因为我们的许多话文字拼写。Many of us find English orthography difficult to master because so many of our words are written phonetically.

假如汉语也是以发音为基础时,今天的中国可能会像欧洲一样,分成20个或更多的国家。If Chinese instead were phonetically based, today China will be divided into 20 some different countries just like Europe.

例如,“IRS”和“BBC”典型地发音是一个字母一个字母,“NATO”和“UNESCO”就会以单词的形式发音。For example, while "IRS" and "BBC" are typically pronounced letter by letter, "NATO" and "UNESCO" are pronounced phonetically.

无论是在电脑上还是用手机发短信,大多数中国人都习惯用拼音输入法。Whether on their computers or texting on phones, most Chinese use a system where they type out the sound of the word phonetically.

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每个人物的故事都以他们各自丰富的方言娓娓道来,人物鲜明的个性跃然纸上。Each character's story is told phonetically in their own rich dialect, which effectively carries their personalities from the page.

当Esso公司意识到其牌名的发音在日语中表示“抛锚的汽车”时才明白为什么它在日本市场困难重重。When Esso realized that its name phonetically meant "stalled car, " it understood why it had had difficulties in the Japanese market.

西班牙语几乎就是完美的发音,当你看到一个词,就立即知道它如何发音。Because Spanish is very nearly phonetically perfect, you can look at almost any word and immediately know exactly how to pronounce it.

注册官不得单独以船舶的中文名称为船舶注册,除非相应于中文名称读音而由英文字母组成的名称亦予注册。The Registrar shall not register a ship by its name in Chinese alone unless the phonetically corresponding name in the English alphabet is also registered.

她可以阅读,写作,但是问题是她不懂大多数的专业名词,比如‘规程’以及‘故障信号灯’,等等。"She could read and write words phonetically but she could not understand most of the terminology, such as 'regulations' and 'emergency light, ' " said Ms.

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在一些列表中,中间几列是阿卡德语的语标符号,最后一列很明显是阿卡德语,按照发音来写,与语标符号相对应。In some lists the middle columns is an Akkadian logogram, the last column gives apparently the Akkadian meaning written phonetically and corresponding to the logogram.

英式与美式英语据有同音但拼字约略相异之自由变体字,因此增加了识字与拼写之困扰。British and American English free variants, though phonetically realized identically, are slightly different in graphemic representation, thus resulting in learning difficulty.

现在是一些大品牌的中文译名,它们都在中国广泛使用并引起了大众共鸣。Here are some examples of big brands who chose Chinese names that have resonated with the public. Some are phonetically similar to their English names, while others are completely changed

现在是一些大品牌的中文译名,它们都在中国广泛使用并引起了大众共鸣。有一些和原来的英文名称音似,而有一些则完全不一样了。Here are some examples of big brands who chose Chinese names that have resonated with the public. Some are phonetically similar to their English names, while others are completely changed.