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我能够抓到莫奇。I can catch Mocky.

你的坚果,摩西。There's your nut, Mocky.

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我最喜欢的图形是圆形。What shape is it, Mocky?

有多少火车?How many trains, Mocky? Mocky.

Mocky对这场比赛有什么看法?What does Mocky think about this race?

一天,安和肯带着摩克来到市中心。One day, Ann and Ken took Mocky to the town center.

莫奇不会在音乐会上表演,但是他想参加。Mocky will not play at the concert, but he wants to go to it.

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加一千克的黄油放入面粉里,肯。Then Mocky asked Ken to add one kilogram of butter to the flour.

让学生两人一组,看故事主要插图,练习对话。Let's act out the story. I am Mocky. You are my friends. Look at this picture?

现在莫奇又高兴了,因为他可以通过电子辞典读故事了。Now Mocky was happy again because he could read the story with thee-dictionary!

在幻灯片上给出各个城市的天气情况,请学生选择一个城市编制天气预报。According to the information, choose one city, and make a weather forecast for Mocky. Ok?