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目的研究黄花倒水莲提取物的抗血脂作用。ObjectiveTo observe the effect of Polygala fallax Hemsl.

目的比较不同产地远志种子的质量。Objective To compare quality of different seeds of Polygala tenuifolia.

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目的探讨远志的抗衰老机制。Objective To study the antiaging mechanism of Polygala tenuifolia Wild.

激素和基质对黄花远志扦插生根的影响试验。Influences of Hormones and Substrates on Cutting Rooting of Polygala arillata var.

目的研究经典药对远志-石菖蒲配伍对单味药材指标成分的影响。Objective To research the compatibility regularity of the matched pair of Polygala tenuifolia Willd.

对远志属民族药药用资源做了整理研究,总结出远志属共有11种植物在14个少数民族地区使用。There were 11 species of Polygala genus used as ethnomedicine in 14 different minority region in China.

药用植物分布较广,主要有黄芪、党参、柴胡、甘草、麻黄、远志等。Wider distribution of medicinal plants, there are Astragalus, Codonopsis, Radix, licorice, Ephedra, etc. Polygala.

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方法采用常规方法主要对远志种子的萌发条件和贮藏特性进行初步研究。MethodsThe conditions of germination and storage of Polygala tenuifolia seeds were mainly investigated by widely used methods.

目的研究栽培远志对氮、磷、钾的需肥特性,指导产区大田生产。Objective To study the fertilizer requirement characteristics of Polygala tenuifolia on nitrogen, phosphorous and potasium fertilizers to improve cultural practices in producing region.

运用植物解剖学、组织化学和植物化学方法对细叶远志和卵叶远志根的结构、皂苷的组织化学定位以及远志皂苷元含量进行了比较研究。Anatomical, histochemical and phytochemistry methods were used to investigate the structures and localization of saponins as well as the senegenin contents of root in Polygala tenuifolia Willd and P.