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她放弃了那个有风险的计划。She dinged the perilous plan.

那危险的时刻就是现在。That perilous moment, alas, is now.

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即使一点点小谎也对工作有害。Even little fibs can be perilous to careers.

这个季节越海远航非常危险。The crossing can be perilous in this season.

何况丧失礼仪是一个人最大的不幸。It is perilous to behave like a anthropophagi.

天生一个仙人洞,无限风光在险峰。The perilous peak reveals scenery boundless and grand.

他们在我耳边低吟着那些故事,关于他们那危险的快乐。They whisper into my ears the tale of their perilous joys.

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大雪加上灯火管制使得车辆行驶成了危险的事。The snow and the blackout combined to make motoring perilous.

对偏头痛患者来说,夏季是一年中的危险时段。For migraine sufferers, summer can be a perilous time of year.

段正淳明知情势极是凶险。Purus Duan knew full well that the situation was most perilous.

这是危险信号,云风赶紧闭了嘴。This is the perilous semaphore, cloud breeze hurriedly shut up.

这么一大块土地是如何蜕变成一场危险的混战呢?How did this land of plenty descend into a perilous free-for-all?

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经常,他们勇敢地踏入地球上最危险的一些地方。Often, they venture to some of the most perilous places on earth.

下任达赖喇嘛位置的空缺也能够被证明是危险的。An interregnum could prove perilous for the next Dalai Lama as well.

我们最近注意到,节日对于吃的过多的人来说是一个危险时期。As we recently noted, holidays can be perilous times for overeaters.

不过银行家们表示,对交易佣金进行推断仍然十分危险。But bankers say that to generalise about deal fees remains perilous.

或触击一个专门的按钮,给你的忍者一条绳子使其不做危险的“自由落体”运动。Or tap a dedicated button to throw your ninja rope to escape perilous falls.

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没有什么可以值得一本,我还以为我微升公路沿线的危险。Nothing could be worth this, I thought as I inched along the perilous highway.

危岩的形成是多因子异变耦合的结果。Perilous rock formation is the result of multiple correlated factors coupling.

冉阿让此刻正停留在这样一个最危险的交叉路口上。Jean Valjean had halted at that moment at the most perilous of these crossroads.