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肺癌是当前常见的恶性肿瘤之一,其致病原因也非常复杂。Lung cancer is a familiar malignancy currently, the nosogenesis is very complex.

局部神经营养因子的异常变化是糖尿病性周围神经病变的发病机制之一。The abnormal changes of neurotrophins are one of the nosogenesis of diabetic peripheral neuropathy.

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方法根据临床12种昏厥的不同病因病理、临床表现,结合ICD-10编码规则对其进行ICD-10编码。Methods To code 12 kinds of syncope, based on the pathology, nosogenesis and clinic symptoms, coupled with ICD-10.

结果邢台市食物中毒的发生季节、场所、致病因素都有一定规律和特点。Results The occurrence season, places and nosogenesis of food poisoning in Xingtai had their own natures and characteristics.

目的探讨热带沿海地区手部慢性低毒感染的致病原因及诊治分析。Objective To discuss the nosogenesis , diagnosis and treatment of hand chronic low-toxic infections of the people in tropical littoral areas.

结果为阐明DPV的致病机理和应用PCR方法检测感染鸭体组织中的DPV提供了重要的实验数据。The result of the study will provide significant testing data for illuminating nosogenesis of DPV and detecting DPV by PCR in infected duck body.

目的评价几种药物联合治疗复发性口疮的临床疗效,探讨其常见的发病因素。Objective To evaluate the clinical effects of the treatment of recrudescent fever sore with combined medicines and probe into the common nosogenesis.

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细胞膜受体及其第二信使对于解释眼的神经调节机制及了解某些眼病的发病机理十分重要。Cell membrane receptor and its second messenger are significant for annotate mechanism of optic neural accommodation and nosogenesis of some ophthalmopathy.

应用组织切片技术观察人工养殖中华鳖患综合中毒症后的内脏组织的病理变化以探讨其发病机理。In order to study the nosogenesis of complextoxonosis in Trionyx sinensis, the histopathologicalchange had been observed by using tissue section techniques.

目的评价转移因子联合微波治疗复发性口疮的临床疗效,探讨其常见的发病因素。Objective To evaluate the clinical effects of the treatment of recurrent aphthous ulcer with combined transfer factor and microwave and probe into the common nosogenesis.

同时,围绕非典型肺炎流行规律、致病机理和临床诊断治疗等方面,开展合作研究与人员培训。In the meantime, we suggest that cooperated research and personnel training programs be arranged in such areas as the patterns of SARS transmission, SARS nosogenesis and SARS clinical diagnosis.

结论健康人的外周血各种血细胞CD55/CD59表达不同,分析结果有助于对PNH等干细胞疾病的诊断和发病机制进行探讨。Quantitative analysis of the expression of CD55 and CD59 on peripheral blood cell may be important both in diagnosis and disclosing nosogenesis of the pluripotent stem cells disease such as PNH.