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灵感源于日常生活中常见的那些让人头疼的琐事。It began as just one of those niggling everyday frustrations.

温格表示,“因为一些不断烦扰的小伤病,他曾经经历过一段时间的打打停停。”He had a period where he was in and out, a little niggling injury.

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玛露力争维护那男人的尊严,不管她父亲的那种教训。Marlowe struggled with a niggling respect for the man, despite his sore jaw.

而且,不止与发达市场相比是这样。And once again, this is not just a niggling comparison with developed markets.

本书将协助您记居处有哪些不成能留在脑海里的琐事。It will help you to remember all of those niggling things you can't possibly keep in your head.

倘若鲁尼受伤、疲劳或是不再抱有什么希望的话,那么曼联这些琐碎的问题将转化为绝望的苦难。Should Rooney be injured, jaded or disillusioned, United's niggling problems could turn into agonies of despair.

是的,我踢了半场,尽管还有一点问题,自从受伤之后去治疗,我已经离开球场一段时间了。Yes, I played a half. It was still niggling though and I've been left out since to try and get rid of the problem.

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爱让人变乖突然间开始温柔了起来,爱让人变坏懂得了什么时候该耍赖。Bianguai people suddenly started a gentle love, love when people understand the deterioration of the niggling over.

实际上正是这些琐碎的原因促使我决定回归单相睡眠。So really it was the combination of all these niggling factors that led me to decide to return to monophasic sleep.

布罗斯在那里上了电视,表示华为有能力创造就业机会,同时也有能力化解对于国家安全的忧虑。Bross was there doing videos about Huawei’s ability to create jobs, and explaining away the niggling security issues.

在此之前,即使自己并没有对这类食物谬误深信不疑,我还是有点小小的不安,觉得或许自己真的要戒掉红肉了。Even if I didn’t really believe all that much in the myth, I still had the niggling feeling that maybe I should avoid red meat.

皮耶罗在赛季前经历了一系列琐碎的小伤后,本赛季只为斑马军团出场过一次。Del Piero has made just one appearance for the Bianconeri this summer after suffering a series of niggling injuries in pre-season.

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如果有些事情总是令你伤神费力,总是让你感到心情不好,那就说明你生活中的某件事情肯定做的不对。If things are niggling you and bad moods are a familiar deal to you, then it’s a good bet that something’s not quite right somewhere in your life.

里奥费迪南德从背部伤病中恢复,并在周二对阵西布罗姆维奇的比赛中复出,他希望能够在赛季余下的时间保持健康。Rio Ferdinand made his return from a niggling back problem against West Bromwich Albion on Tuesday, and he aims to stay injury free for the rest of the season.

加拿大体操队教练托尼史密斯说,一次针灸治疗后,他背部的酸痛消除了,这让他吃惊。Tony Smith, the coach of the Canadian gymnastics team, said that he was astonished when a niggling pain in his back vanished after a single acupuncture session.

穆里尼奥表示舍瓦的目前的身体状况还没有达到比赛要求。这个赛季乌克兰人还没有为切尔西打过一场一线队比赛。Mourinho has insisted the Ukrainian striker is not match fit following a niggling back injury, with Shevchenko having not figured in any match squad this season.

尽管这是个毫无疑问的红牌,但饭桶身材的贝尼特斯还是要多嘴两句,这次他扯住不放的是米克尔之前对克劳奇两次无关痛痒的铲球,并没有受到裁判大人的惩罚。Despite it being a crystal clear red card, Tubby Benitez sought to argue that, as a result of two niggling fouls that Mikel made on Crouch, unpunished by the ref.

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是的,您可以创建一个详细的清单来提醒您这些琐碎的配置细节,但是记录复杂的东西远不如将复杂去掉有效。Yes, you can create a detailed checklist to remind yourself of these niggling configuration details, but documenting complexity is far less effective than removing complexity.

但是我认为我们需要一个单独的众议员体制来讨论关于我们现有的众议员是否有资格讨论大问题或者关心那些琐碎的细节这个大问题。But I think we need a separate representative body to debate the big questions of whether our representative bodies should be debating the big questions or taking care of niggling details.

比如,每四年世界杯揭幕之时,这些观赛游客好像摇身一变,都成了行家里手,对英格兰队的阵型和中场平衡品头论足,人数之多,让人生厌。There's something quite niggling about the number of tourist football fans who suddenly appear every four years to reveal themselves as experts on formations and the balance of England's midfield.