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1995年以来,多次不定期地举行。It has been held irregularly since 1995.

花盘波状的环状的或不规则浅裂。Disk undulate annular or irregularly lobed.

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茎长20厘米,多分枝,茎干上有不规则的角状突出。Stems to 20 cm long, much-branched, irregularly angular.

有些比较级副词的形成方式不规则。The comparatives of some adverbs are irregularly formed.

是一个形状不规则、没有中央核的星系。Henize 2-10 is irregularly shaped, with no central nucleus.

甲床上不规则的棕色或蓝色点可能是黑索瘤。Irregularly shaped brown or blue spots in the nail bed can be melanomas.

原叶体是腐生的,不规则分枝的地下体。The prothalli are saprophytic, irregularly branched, subterranean bodies.

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不规则盘卷的不锈钢热轧条、杆。Bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils, of stainless steel.

有些形容词的比较级和最高级的形成方式不规则。The comparative and superlative of some adjectives are irregularly formed.

他们大都吃素,但偶尔也吃鱼和鸡。They are mostly vegetarian, although they eat fish and chicken irregularly.

是否有大量的矩形元素或是众多不规则形态的元素?Are there a lot of rectangular elements or many irregularly shaped elements?

不规则盘卷的其他合金钢热轧条、杆。Bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils, of other alloy steel.

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谷壳稃毛无规律地分布在整个谷壳上,长短不一。Hull pubescence scattered irregularly on the whole hull with distinct length.

举个例子,一名女子非常规性地,在怀孕期32周出现了早产现象。Take for example a lady who is irregularly contracting at 32 weeks gestation.

赤霉素含量在不育系及保持系间互有增减。Gibberellin contents varied irregularly among male sterile lines and maintainers.

不规则地成形身体将会排列他们的长轴向行星指出。Irregularly shaped bodies will align their long axis to point towards the planet.

花序不规则总状的,达12厘米,疏松,或花簇生,香。Inflorescence irregularly racemose, to 12 cm, lax, or flowers fascicled , scented.

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可焊接大型、形状复杂及装配形状不规则的焊接件。Welding can be large, complex shape and welding assembly irregularly shaped pieces.

有些不规则排卵的患者垂体腺分泌过多催乳素。Some women ovulate irregularly because their pituitary glands secrete too much prolactin.

褶皱是指穿过指纹脊线和谷线的不规则条纹。The crease is a kind of stripes irregularly crossing ridges and valleys in the fingerprint.