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什么是心脏二尖瓣膜脱垂?。What is heart mitral valve velar prolapse?

什么是心脏二尖瓣膜脱垂?What is heart mitral valve velar prolapse?

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可能出现的一种并发症是脱垂。One complication which can arise is a prolapse.

脱垂是一种并发症,可以发生在妇女。Prolapse is a complication that can occur in women.

向有轻微到中等脱垂的女性推荐这种产品。It is recommended for women with mild to moderate prolapse.

随着年龄增长,部分女性一些位于盆腔的器官会出现脱垂现象。Many women will have some type of pelvic organ prolapse as they age.

说完,我把东西都收拾起来了,这是为了让白白脱出困境。Finish, I packed up everything, it is difficult to make in vain prolapse.

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什么叫轻度瓣膜脱垂?治疗途径,应该注意什么?What makes spend valve prolapse gently? Remedial way, what should notice?

目的了解二尖瓣脱垂综合征的临床表现。Objective To study the clinical manifestation of mitral valve prolapse syndrome.

造口脱垂是环状大肠造口常见的晚期并发症。Stoma prolapse is a common late complication following loop transverse colostomy.

探讨中西医治疗肛管直肠脱垂的方法。To explore traditional chinese and western medicine treatment methods anorectal prolapse.

宝宝伸舌头伸出上翘和下垂有什么区别?Is darling loll head extended on become warped and what does prolapse have to distinguish?

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目的探讨胃黏膜脱垂症的临床表现及其并发症。Objective To study clinical presentations and complications of prolapse of gastric mucosa.

小儿排尿极度困难时还会引起脱肛。The young child urinates when the extreme difficulty also will cause the prolapse of rectum.

目的探讨治疗直肠黏膜内脱垂新手术方法。Objective To explore the new approach of operatively treating internal rectal mucosal prolapse.

目的探讨腰间盘突出症的手术与非手术治疗。Objective To probe operative and nonoperative treatment of prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc.

在此我们提供一个有效而简易的手术方式,用线形缝合器来治疗环状大肠造口脱垂。We herein describe a safe and simple method to revise the prolapse stoma by using linear staplers.

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目的探讨原发性结膜下眶脂肪脱垂的CT表现。Objective To discuss CT features of patients with spontaneous subconjunctival orbital fat prolapse.

目的探讨老年人三尖瓣脱垂的原因及临床意义。Objective to investigate the reason and clinical significance of tricuspid valve prolapse in the aged.

利用电脑仿生仪治疗腰椎间盘突出症,临床收效良好。The prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc by computer bionics instrument favorable effect from clinic.