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抗疲劳地垫是如何起作用的呢?How does anti-fatigue matting work?

我们在塌塌米上盘腿而坐。We sat cross-legged on the matting.

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青石地面上铺着软木垫。There was cork matting on the stone floor.

研究了粒径对二氧化硅消光粉在涂料中应用性能的影响。The typical performances of ED-30 matting powder are introduced.

因质地不同,这类小地垫分有细滑和粗糙两种。Thus different from such a small matting Xihua and crude two hours.

实现图像的抠图功能,即把前景和背景分开。In order to matting image, that is to separate the foreground and background.

应该是按以下几步来做,先要有好的铺垫。Should be to press the following paces to do, want to have good matting first.

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本论文的主要工作是为开关式半导体激光器温度控制系统的整体设计提供铺垫。The main work of this paper is provide matting for the whole temperature control system.

图像抠图就是从观测图像提取出前景颜色和不透明度信息。The goal of matting is to extract objects and their opacity information from observed images.

面漆是以环氧压克力树脂为主及特殊平光剂配合而成之紫外线硬化涂料。UV-1483 top coat is an UV-curable coating. Mixed with Epoxy-acrylated and special matting agent.

笔尖划下的笔画,是为我铺垫的路,书写的每一个字都有它所属的涵义。Tip delimit next stroke, it's for my matting road, write each word has its subordinate of meaning.

作品不能使用计算机制作或采用含有复印制品的拼贴画,不得加框架或边框线等修饰。The artwork cannot be created using a computer or copy machine. No frames or matting should be added.

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研究了革类表面用聚氨酯消光整饰剂的配方及制备工艺。The formulations and preparation of PU matting and finishing agent for leather surface have been studied.

用一个有效的设计和服务满足顾客需求,您交给我们的是一个希望和信任,我们用专业和品质提供一个整体的配套服务方式。You give us hope and trust, we in turn use our profession and quality to give ou a whole matting service.

草棚-覆盖有树皮或柴枝做的草席的构架棚子,由北美洲的游牧土著人建立。A frame hut covered with matting , as of bark or br ush, used by nomadic Native Americans of North America.

当我驾驶着飞机,在泥泞的钢垫跑道上滑行的时候,我的僚机驾驶员雷克斯。As I taxied over the muddy steel matting of the runway, I got a wave and a grim from my wingman Lt. Rex Barter.

根满盆的,盆缚的长大得超过了其容器,以致于根都纠缠在一起的。Having grown too large for its container, resulting in matting or tangling of the roots. Used of a potted plant.

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目前的环境遮片技术能够从真实场景中得到复杂的光学特征。Recent matting and compositing techniques can produce quite realistic images for objects with complex optical properties.

作文的开首就抒发出本身对于秋游活动盼望的心情,为下文秋游活动的好玩非常刺激做好了铺垫。The thesis begins to express your hope mood, autumn activities of fun for below autumn activity stimulates ready matting.

提出一种用于自然图像抠图的高效的基于感知颜色空间的透明度估计方法。This paper presents an efficient algorithm for alpha estimation based on perceptual color space in natural image matting.