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那么你和贝拉.斯万也就一样了。You’re Bella Swan now.

为林优宝姊妹在家平安祷告。Pray for Bella Lamb who has safety at home.

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贝拉是个一等一的书虫。A. Bella is a first and foremost a bookworm.

贝拉这样的新生儿和布里这样的新生儿永远是不同的。Bella was never a newborn like Bree was a newborn.

这就是为什么他不能带上贝拉一起去狩猎远足的因由。Thvia's why Bella can'tgo on a hunting trip with him.

但贝拉相信她会找出例外和原因的。But Bella believe she will find the exceptions and whys.

当贝拉和爱德华在热吻时这种毒液会对她造成危险吗?。Is Bella in any danger of this venom when snogging Edward?

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我很好奇爱德华的生日贝拉送他什么?Q. I was wondering what Bella got Edward for his birthday.

提供西雅图最好的咖啡。Seattle's best coffee. Vivace motto is “Una bella tazza di caffe.”

罗伯特·帕丁森和克里斯汀·斯图尔特会成为现实世界中的贝拉和爱德华吗?Could it be that Kristen and Rob are a real-world Bella and Edward?

我想知道贝拉除了爱德华之外有没有其他兴趣呢?Q. I was wondering if Bella had any other interests besides Edward?

很高兴,埃林的企图没有得逞,并且贝亚的宝宝很健康。Thankfully, Erin failed in his attempts and Bella has a healthy child.

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但是小兔子贝拉却在森林里迷路了,她只好跟随飘动的云彩走。But Bella Bunny gets lost in the woods, trying to follow drifting clouds.

饰演贝拉-斯旺的克莉丝汀-斯图尔特,也在今年首次登上福布斯名人榜百强。Kristen Stewart, who plays Bella Swan, also debuts on the list this year.

“贝拉和我准备把这些电单车修好,”雅革做出了错误的解释。"Bella and I are going to fix up these bikes, " Jacob explained inaccurately.

为何他们会追随年轻的贝拉和她的吸血鬼情人爱德华的冒险旅程?Why do they follow the adventures of young Bella and her vampire lover Edward?

别再说这个了,我简直不敢去想,有人会伤害你。Bella , the only thing that can hurt me is you. And l don't have anything else.

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是关于毒液和接吻的。当贝拉和爱德华在热吻时这种毒液会对她造成危险吗?About venom and kissing. Is Bella in any danger of this venom when snogging Edward?

今年19岁的女演员斯图尔特,因扮演暮色电影女主角贝拉·斯旺而被亿万粉丝所熟知。Stewart is familiar to millions of fans as Bella Swan, heroine of the Twilight films.

贝拉和玛丽亚遇到一位女士叫JJ长毛绒谁知道他们非法走私的经销商。Bella and Maria met a lady named JJ Plush who knew they were dealers of illegal contraband.