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公然无视他?Blatantly ignore him?

完全就是吃果果的令人发指的懒惰和疲乏。It is just blatantly and brutally LAZY and TIRED.

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他们经常编制明显的谎言或欺骗欠他们钱的人。They’ve often blatantly lied or otherwise deceived their targets.

这是公然违反宪法的,应该马上停止。This is clearly, blatantly unconstitutional — and it has to stop.

这一辩解完全是在为国内的镇压活动开脱。This argument is only too blatantly an alibi for domestic repression.

至少依据这个指标观察,股票不再被明目张胆地高估了。At least by this one measure, stocks are no longer blatantly overvalued.

在上海,汽车鸣笛声比香港吵闹得多。Car horns blare far more blatantly in Shanghai than they ever do in Hong Kong.

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这样不仅是公然的不礼貌,也脱离你与谈话者的关系。Not only is this blatantly rude, but you have officially disconnected from the speaker.

如果你想做一个Digg脚本,你最好确定它不会公然的容易被检测到。If you’re going to make a Digg script, you better be certain it’s not blatantly easy to detect.

我认为这是非常令人震惊的,而且是赤裸裸地在玩弄学生与家长们的恐惧心理。I think that is appalling and blatantly playing on the fears of students and parents, " he says.

这其实可以一眼看穿,当权者们在尽可能的把我们控制在恐惧的模式中。It is blatantly obvious that the powers that be are doing their up-most to keep us in fear mode.

人们说,伯尼曾在阿斯彭住着,还有他的弟弟彼得,但从来没有公开求证。Bernie had been in Aspen, people said, as had his brother, Peter, but never to solicit blatantly.

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更重要的是,这位国会议员很明显对自己的不当行为采取的应对方式是公然、反复的撒谎。What's more, it's clear the lawmaker lied about his personal misconduct, blatantly and repeatedly.

其中一个特征就是,他在你眼皮子底下都敢公然与其她女人调情!One of the symptoms of this is that he might blatantly flirt with other women right under your nose.

他们会遵守有用的规则,但会大胆违反无理的规则。They'll go along with rules that serve a purpose, but silly regulations will be blatantly disobeyed!

她一开始对我抱持怀疑的态度——“这只红鹤干嘛天天在我家闲晃?”She was blatantly suspicious of me at first—Who is this flamingo traipsing through my house every day?

比起那些招摇过市的所谓美女,非主流。也许他们才算是真正的非主流。Compares beautiful woman who these blatantly seek publicity . Perhaps they are the true non-mainstreams.

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业内人士称俄罗斯拒绝出售苏-33与中国公然山寨苏-27SK“侧卫”有关。Russia's refusal to sell Su-33s, sources say, is linked to China blatantly copying its Su-27SK flankers.

7月份,在外籍人士的强烈抗议中,中国政府撤销了该计划中最堂而皇之的歧视条款。In July, after an outcry from foreigners, it revoked some of the plan’s most blatantly discriminatory provisions.

逃避现实可能看似非常不利于健康,然而,在有些情况下,短期的否认状态是有益的。Refusing to face facts might seem blatantly unhealthy. Sometimes, though, a short period of denial can be helpful.